Angels and Demons - Part One

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This is another long chapter so I'm splitting it into two and I'll post the second part tomorrow if you all want it quickly?

Chapter 14: Angels and Demons
Part One

I blinked as the lights changed from the warm glow of the house to the blinding fluorescents of the hallway, leading to the infamous red door and the pub. Each step echoed as if heralding doom, and a shiver went up my spine as we passed the mysterious red door on the left.

Mac appeared every inch the bouncer in his skin-tight black shirt with The Blackbird logo on his breast, muscles bulging and brow furrowed into an intimidating scowl.

Everyone was grim faced and tense.

I wondered if I should have called my parents first in case it was the last time I could. If the vampires I was about to meet didn’t trust me, Taran was banking on Wren getting me the fuck out of dodge. . .but what then? A life on the run from vampire authorities?

I was beginning to feel light headed.

“How many?” Taran asked.

“Three. Plus their usual guards and acolytes who Ness is amusing at the bar,” Mac answered, adding dryly. “Of course, the honourable members of An Toiseach have made themselves at home on the stage.”

“Of course they have.”

“I thought it might be good for Laura to come too so Sorcha can follow her lead and have a friend at her side.”

“A good idea.” Taran glanced down at me, giving my hand a tight squeeze. “Remember what I told you; keep your eyes down, do ask they ask, tell the truth, and you’ll be fine.”

But what might they ask of me?

“You don’t need to fear,” he assured me. “I will be right at your side. I’ve called in others too; they’re dotted about between my office and the exits. But if I have to. . .just. . .” He closed his eyes. “Please, don’t take what I might have to say or do in there to heart, Little Mouse. It’s to keep you safe.”

All I could do was nod when I was sure I was going to freak out. Until an exhilarating nudging sensation pushed forth a dose of confidence.

Taran threw a grateful look over my head as he opened the door.

Wren had just used our connection to help me. Without being asked to.

I was definitely entering the twilight zone.

At first I was certain the pub was empty as we made our way inside. The stools by the bar on the left were occupied by men and woman sitting eerily quiet and unmoving, statuesque in their stillness. I was too happy to drop my gaze, feeling a little better for not seeing the eyes boring into me, focussing instead on the wooden pattern on the dancefloor. We must have stopped somewhere in front of the stage, Taran lifting his hand slightly to keep me slightly behind him. Even with the shield of his body in front of me, the presence of the members of An Toiseach was like a winter chill in the air.

Alarm bells rang in my head.

Everything in me tensed like a deer in front of headlights, or more likely predators. So I was grateful again when Laura stepped to my side, her pinky brushing against mine. Mac joined us too, standing on Laura’s other side so we two humans were encaged by burly vampires as Wren planted himself at my back.

“I welcome you to my territory, honourable members of An Toiseach. Thank you for coming on such short notice, and three of you at that. Your thorough attention is appreciated.”

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