Ch2 Doe Eyed

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(This will be heavily based on and references the 'YOU LIVED Doe Eyed' ending from the game House Hunted by Mortisfox. Art and OC by me.)

"Ugh...What a long ride, but I'm glad I'm finally here."

The first step off the bus and right into Sinister City. This was it. The first day of the rest of her life. The air was immediately filled with the sounds of other people talking, vehicles, and the reve of engines and car horns with the distant sounds of footsteps as people walked around her im front of the bus stop. Ah. It was good to stretch out her numb legs and sore back. She looked around her surroundings. Tall buildings and streets or sidewalks and shops and cars of all kinds with tons of people walking around. Definitely the smaller parts of a city. She coughed though smelling the nauseating scent of oil and exhaust from the bus behind her as the doors slowly closed and with a wheeze, the vehicle slowly pulled away from the bus stop. She coughed and waved a hand to blow away the smoke and shook her head. Well there's obviously not much to look at at the Grayhorse bus station. 

"I'm sure the inner city's more beautiful." At least according to the brochure Rose had sent her along with the map. Besides she should be getting to her new apartment. The sun wouldn't stay in the sky all day. Now where did she put that map? "I hope the apartment company was honest about having my apartment ready to live in. I'm so tired I could be a corpse." 

Now where was that map? AHA! Said gigantic map was pulled from a side pocket on her backpack and carefully unfolded to avoid tearing. Soon it was displayed in both hands stretched out nearly a yard in length printed right on it was the entirety of the Uncanny Valley. Hoo boy. It was..a lot bigger than you thought but luckily for her the map simplified the area she was in and even listed the name of the street she stood on... granted it was little and took her ten minutes of squinting to find it but she knew where she was! Pink eyes narrowed at the lines connecting to the Streets she was on before looking around at the buildings around her again stopping at just a small cafe across the street. A waitress was outside delivering a coffee mug to a happy looking man and she nearly crumpled the map. She hadn't eaten anything for a while. The plane made her too nervous to eat on the flight over and there obviously wasn't any food venders on the bus. Maybe she should grab something to eat?...Then again she promised Rose she'd go straight to her apartment once she arrived, and she was pretty tired from the lack of sleep and the stressful trip here. It might just be better to get home and just sleep in for the rest of the day.

"Then again...I do kinda wanna see the city. It might be better to look around first in case I get lost or something." Pink eyes looked up and squinted at the giant blue sky. A few fluffy clouds rolled across it but nothing suggested bad weather and the sun wasn't too far along the sky. "...I should have enough time if I'm quick, and it'd be better to get a lay out of the place." 

Plus she had a map! And a phone! So it wasn't as if she was helpless. She also could ask someone for directions! She should be perfectly fine! With a smile she half folded up the map and placed it in one hand. One other hand on her backpack straps, and off she started walking down the street with a smile on her face. The buzz of the city was present with each step her legs walked and different smells wafted with the different buildings. A cigar a man was smoking, food inviting people to walk into the different restaurants or step up to the few food stands on the street she saw, diesel from a passing car, flowers from a flowering bush she passed by- In a way all of the sounds and smells was comforting to the senses. Perhaps it was the fresh feeling she had being in a new place? Or the weight of the past being pushed to the back burner now? Either way the calming feeling was amazing. It made a smile spread on her face and a light step in her walk. Her eyes took in all of the new sights but every so often made sure to check the map to be sure of her location.

(John) Doe EyedWhere stories live. Discover now