Oc Info

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(Basically what the title says. Info on the main oc the story will be focused on. Hopefully it'll be helpful.)

Name: Fae Angel Briar

Personality: Fae can be an intro and extrovert breaching the middle ground, prefers to keep to herself and her small group of friends but that doesn't mean she has any problems talking to total strangers. She is a bit self conscious, mostly about her unnaturally white hair which has been the topic of bullying in the past. One can say she is supportive and kind, but she is also stubborn has a tendency to just speak her mind even if it would be bad timing, and is known to push herself too far. One example of this is the almost constant eye bags from her working long into the night. She also has a bad habit of staring off in thought or not paying too much attention to her surroundings, this has caused her more than once to trip, hurt herself, knock something over, lose things, or simply forget them which she's working on. She can also be very sleepy at times due to staying up late, but she's a persistent person who usually gets things done. Although she can be irritated without enough sleep

Age: 23

Family: Fae has barely any relatives. She's her deceased father's only next of kin, aside from one cousin om her father's side named Rose Willow. She does have an overbearing mother and step family however they are not close at all

Bonus Info: Fae is from your typical suburban family. Small town, local school, white picket fence, family of four with a mother, stepfather, and older step brother with a good reputation. But there was a problem with that underlining the surface. And that problem was that her older step brother was always the golden child in their eyes. Her step brother was much older than her by about eleven years and thus they didn't live together for very long and didn't bond at all. He gradated from high school and went on to college and got a good life with a successful job as a high paying business man with a wife and baby on the way. As a result of his high success, Fae was scrutinized a lot by her parents for her 'bad habits' which mostly consisted of speaking her mind or forgetting a few things or even tripping over constantly. As a result she tried to push herself harder to win their approval by staying up later studying hard or attempting to do some kind of activity that might earn their approval. Getting good grades or being good at women's basketball, or even getting her own part time job didn't seem to sway them in the slightest, or even trying to change herself to meet their appeal. Her step brother was always the one with the BETTER grades. The one with the BETTER successes. The one with the BETTER job that earns him lots of money. The one who DIDN'T have so many negative qualities compared to her. Never helped that her step brother wasn't much better. He was indifferent too her and never really came around except on the holidays, even then he never made any effort to chat with her. So she stopped trying when she was sixteen years old, instead she pushed herself to finish school and work hard at her job to one day move out of her parents' home. During those years she has learnt to stopped caring about what others saw her as even if it stung deep her parents never held her in as high standards and kept up their strict rules and nagging, although some self conscious remained because of some childhood teasing out of her pure white hair, calling her names like 'Old Lady'.

Fae proceeded to move out at the age of 18 and from there tried to live on her own and attend college. Due to unfortunate events beyond her control, the store she had gotten her part time job had gone out of business leaving her out of work, and she had to drop out of college after just one year no longer able to afford it and scurried around to try and find a job and fast. Down on her luck and barely able to pay rent from dead end jobs for a few years, Fae was attracted to the giant island of Uncanny Valley after hearing of the many job opportunities opening up there mentioned by a her cousin Rose. But she was also warned of the many, many strange occurrences and secrets that didn't make too many people want to go there. She was warned by many people to not go there and that the place was too sketchy to be any good but the thought of moving and starting over somewhere knew and fresh and AWAY from her family really appealed to her. So after some careful thinking she decided to make a call to one of the Uncanny Valley housing agencies and managed to use some of her last remaining savings for an apartment deposit and move to the Uncanny valley for a fresh new start not knowing the surprises there.

Fae likes to decorate her apartment with cute themed things and has a soft aesthetic that she just keeps to her room. The rest of her apartment is actually pretty normal. You'll often find her going to some places like the Sinister City library or walking around the city with her notebook in hand ready to draw the sights. When not working at her two part time jobs at the gas station or doing art commissions, she likes going around the city seeing the new sights with her few friends or staying home and bing watching movies and eating pizza and other various junk foods. But she has a hard time navigating all the mysteries of this place including the strange species of 'regular guys' after having one stuck to her side. She's-...trying to navigate around Doe as best as she can while juggling her jobs and keeping him out of trouble.

Likes: rabbits, cherry soda, Sherlock Holmes movies, John Doe, her pet Rabbit Smore, her cousin Rose, and exploring around the city

Dislikes: pollen (slight allergies), sour candies, how Doe smells sometimes, been woken up early, annoying customers, and sourcrout 

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