Ch6 The Truth Comes Out

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Fae shrieked as a giant single eyeball blinked up at her.

The lightning from the storm outside flashed lighting up the sky and all around her apartment, and just enough to show her what exactly was there on the floor just outside her doorway. A huge single eyeball blinked up at her from within a mass of black tangled hair. She squealed as it made some kind of purring noise and similar to how an octopus would walk, it crawled it's way right through the doorway. 

Towards HER.

She squealed and quickly backed away. The small furrball..cyclops...thing just went right after her. Leaving a wet trail of water behind it as it was soaked thoroughly, possibly from the storm outside, but that didn't matter right now. THERE WAS SOME KIND OF MONSTER IN HER HOUSE COMING RIGHT FOR HER!!! Fae continued backing up in both fright and shock as the thing still made weird cat like noises staring right up at her and still coming. Eventually she spotted her escape. In a panic she saw a single chair and without much of a thought darted for it making the furrball thing squeak in question at her. Before she knew it, she was standing on top of the chair hiding up and away from the furrball that still followed after her. It stopped just in front of the chair looking up at her before tilting to the left and squeaking a sound out in question. She felt herself cringe inwardly at it panic still taking hold of her. 


Of course no one else was there to answer her question. No one was here except herself, a scared bunny upstairs, and whatever the heck this monster hairball was!! It purred again and she grimaced more. Where did this thing come from?! What even WAS this?! Some kind of escaped science experiment?! A mutated animal?! Some kind of new undiscovered species that crawled out of a sewer drain because of the rain?! AN ALIEN?! Was it a monster?! She cringed further as it crawled over to one of the chair legs and wrapped a strand of hair around it. She winced and instantly patted her pockets for something that could help her and lo and behold had found her phone in one of said pockets. Immediately it was turned on and she dialed a number. The phone rang out as she held it up to her ear frightened as she continued to stare at the...the ..THING!!

"C'mon. C'mon."

A click came from the other side. "Hello? What's-"

"ROSE! HELP ME!!" She shrieked into the phone silencing the person on the other side. "THERE'S SOMETHING IN MY HOUSE!!"

"Fae?! Are you ok?! What's wrong?! What's going on?!"

"NO IM NOT OK!!" She winced as the thing made a longer and louder purring noise than before."There's some kind of alien monster thing in my house! It's all hairy and wet and it's not leaving me!!"

"Shit!,"Rose cursed from the other side also sounding panicked. "Ok. Um..Stay calm! Whatever you do just don't freak out."


"Just calm down!! Tell me what it looks like?!"

"Why would it's looks matter?!"

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