Oc Info P2

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(Another important oc that shows up later in the story. She's a minor character but also important.)

Name: Rose Willow

Personality: very laid back and calm for most of the time, she's also very accepting and optimistic about most things having been raised on an island full of creatures and inhuman brings so she's not easily surprised, but she is cautious a lot because of said entities. However she's very stubborn and once she sets her mind it's hard to stop her. This has lead to a few problems. She's also very blunt and forward which can make her come off as rude or lead to minor misunderstandings

Age: 23

Appearance: Red hair, one blue eye, pale skin, her right eye is missing and there is some scars on her face from where she lost her left eye

Family: Fae: First cousin, Fae's Mom: unnamed aunt. Most other family is deceased

Bonus Info:

-Rose is actually native to Uncanny Valley and Fae's only cousin on her late father's side.Her personality is very much go with the flow, it's helpful when you grow up on a giant island of eldritch furballs, man eating houses, and aquatic mer-people.

-She's actually Maison's neighbor, having moved into the house next to him two years prior and it didn't take too long to figure out he was a REALTOR. By accidentally seeing his lure cord poking out of one of his pants legs and adding up all his strange behaviors.

-Now any other person would've been highly concerned about this being the case, but having grown up around this being the norm, Rose is actually really chill with this. Doesn't mean she wasn't cautious, especially when he came over when she first moved in to 'invite her over and welcome her to the neighborhood.' But this of course didn't work. Maison stopped around the third time trying to convince her before going back to his old tactics. She doesn't see him too often as he's usually out trying to lure people, but when they do see one another, Rose will initiate a normal conversation as if he wasn't an entity who ate humans if he could. As one would expect, this confused Maison at first but over time he got used to the small convos they'd have. It was...refreshing to have someone to chat with that wasn't going to run away and being treated like a normal person without having to hide his identity was certainly a nice thing to do when he wasn't busy.

-Rose has a hobby to decorate the rooms of her house in different ways every so often or decorate it with the different things she brings home. She has talked about this hobby with Maison and he may or may not have remembered some tips from her for his illusions for the inside.

-Despite her decor hobby, Rose actually prefers to garden and has a large one in her backyard where she grows fruits and veggies and another in her front yard where she grows flowers. She works in a green house in town where she often helps to care for the plants they sell and is often told she has a green thumb. In recent months she has heard much grumbling from Maison's house. When asked and found out he often doesn't get enough food, she has started essentially feeding him.

-Maison is often completely thrown for a loop whenever he sees the boxes/gift baskets either left on his door step or handed to him completely full of the food Rose grows or sometimes the Fish sandwiches he enjoys a lot. He's still not used to or sure how to take this strange new arrangement Rose insists on helping him with but he can't say he doesn't appreciate the gesture. He finds himself more full thanks to her efforts and kindness.

-By this point they've grown a sort of symbiotic relationship. His way of showing thanks is showing respect back and warning her about any more hostile REALTORS/other entities in the area. Although there may be other feeling boiling under his surface than he realizes. Rose has her suspicions but she's not too sure. However she is very fond of Mr. Talo very much.

-Sometimes the cousins will see each other while in town, but not everyone in their company gets along. Doe hasn't forgotten or really likes Maison for trying to trick Fae into eating her when she first arrived in the valley, and so the two are not really on good terms especially if Fae is around Maison in any proximity. Doe has no qualms with Heim since he hasn't really tried anything, but he still remains weary considering he's also a REALTOR.

-Being a Native to Unanny Valley, Rose is pretty used to all the strange entities living there and is actually quite fond of a few. Regular Guys and Realtors included, although that doesn't mean she's not cautious of some of them. There's only really one REALTOR she's slightly worried about, mostly because Dom is very tall. Dom Hus- bileshroom

-Like Maison, Rose also feeds Heim. She often leaves him fruits or vegetables, to try and balance out the diet of mainly fast food and fatty meats he always eats. While Heim never rejects her gifts, he is a bit off putted by this newer healthier addition to his diet.

-Heim is the first REALTOR Rose actually developed a good relationship with and considers him a very good person even if he's not human. She'll often go out of her way to make sure he's well with how worn out his homes outside is and eventually talks him into allowing her to repair a lot of the damage.

-Heim is much more forward than Maison is and has no problems making his romantic interest in her clear. Maison also expresses interest but in a more subtle way. He's...not used to feelings and using words yet.

-Despite her great fondness for Maison, Rose rather be inside Him than Maisons main body. Not because of trust issues but because Maison has a hard time getting the food he needs despite the Uncanny Valley Mayor's feeding program and Rose doesn't want Maison to accidentally devour her. Maison is internally and secretly dismayed at the thought of that.

-Maison and Heim have an... interesting dynamic. Usually REALTORS aren't expected to get along with fighting over food and territory but surprisingly they are...calm around one another. Maison thinks Heim is below him obviously and can be pathetic and clingy but he certainly isn't a threat to Rose so he tolerates him. Heim isn't dumb. He probably knows Maison doesn't like him too much but he's friendly to him regardless considering not a lot of their kind would tolerate him. Although they can both agree they'd rather not have anything happen to Rose.

-Rose met Him two years before meeting Maison when she took on the part time job of feeding REALTORS. And has quickly become one of her favorites alongside Maison later. They often like to watch TV together and will discuss their favorite shows.

-Their relationship is more friends than symbiotic than the one she has with Maison.

-Rose is aware of what Maison attempted to do to Far and has made it clear to him that her cousin was OFF LIMITS before proceeding to scold him for it.

-Rose is aware of what and who John Doe is and will often help Fae whenever she needs info or help with Doe.

-Rose lost her left eye when she was very young due to one of the entities on the island however she doesn't let that make her view other non humans negatively.

Likes: Flowers, gardening, quietly reading to herself, Hanging out with her friends, and strawberry flavored desserts or junk food

Dislikes: discrimination from humans against the non-human creatures of the valley, sour candies, deep water, too cold weather, and spiders 

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