Chapter 1, Going on an adventure

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As the years passed I grew more comfortable with my new way of life, instead of being locked up in a castle like I would've been I've been running around, making new friends, got some pretty cool achievements to. Me and katsuki took down a griffin together, got some feathers and used them to make arrows for my new bow. I met katsuki's friends as well, though he doesn't act like their his friends, izuku midoryia or Deku as katsuki calls him is friends with him, though their more like rivals, he's an incredibly talented scholar now, ochaco unaraka is actually one of deku's friends but she's a sweet girl, a master healer as well, shoto todoroki, the crowned prince of the capital city, he's pretty cool, though katsuki doesn't actually like him very much, him and his city actually, and Denki kaminari, not the brightest tool in the shed, especially cause he seems to get a kick out of finding was to annoy katsuki but he has a good heart, we're much older then when we were little kids, we've actually started on our own adventure, miss Mitsuki figured it would be good for him to go to places outside of their kingdom, and so that's what we did, we've been traveling for about 6 months at this point.
Kat went out to hunt about an hour ago while i set up camp when my ear twitches slightly as an explosion goes off in the distance. I sigh as I get up, grab my bow and take off running to where the explosion was, it's not uncommon for him to get himself in trouble with bandits, dragon hunters, ect. I see Kat on the ground under a man's boot. I charge up my bow and come out of the shadows pointing it at his head. "Back the f*ck off." I say to him. "So that's why you set of that damn explosion on the ground. You have a damn elf companion." He snarled at Kat, he can't tell who I am, he only knows I'm an elf from the big pointy ears poking out of the slits in my hood. "You have until I count to 3 to back up and put your hands up." I tell the man. He doesn't move. Kat is clearly getting impatient so I send my arrow through his hand and into the tree behind him. Kat gets up and knocks him out as i walk over, take my arrow back and bandage the man's hand, I may not like people messing with my companion but I'm not a monster, I'd feel bad if he bled out or got an infection. As I stand up my ear twitches again, it was the sound of a hurt dragon, I cautiously walk over, keeping quiet, only to see a caged up dragon, red spiky hair, with red horns, wings, and tail. Once he spots me he backs up to the corner of the cage. "Hey, it's ok, I won't hurt you" I tell him and pull down my hood, the dragons and the elves are friends so I'm hoping that by seeing the "missing" crowned princess of the fire elves, he would be at ease. "Your majesty-" he starts but I cut him off. "No need for that, I don't really use that title anymore" I say while opening the cage. The dragon crawls out of the cage and immediately hugs me, startling me and knocking both of us down. "Thank you your majesty!" The dragon says with excitement. "You're welcome but please don't call me that little dragon, just call me Kira" I tell him with a slightly nervous smile. "Ok princess Kira, I'm ejiro kirishima! It's nice to meet you!" He says, still very excited. "She's not a princess anymore" katsuki's voice says from behind me. "What's that supposed to mean?" Kirishima asks getting up. "I left that title behind when I ran away" I tell him. "Oh, well, regardless I thank you both for saving me, I owe you guys my life" he says. "It's really not a problem, only monsters attack dragons" I say "what are you guys doing all the way out here?" He asks. "We're just traveling around" katsuki says. "Oh! Can I come with you guys?" He ask, clearly incredibly excited. I look at Bakugo for his opinion. It may be nice to have another companion, and it would be useful to have a dragon in our group. Kat nods and I turn back to the dragon. "Ya, sure you can come with us, our camp isn't far from here" I tell him and he has a bright smile on his face. "Thank you!!" He half yells. We walk back to our camp and start making dinner. As katsuki is making the food since he's a better cook I talk to kirishima. "This may seem kinda rude but what happened to your eye?" He asks me and Kat chokes on his own spit, even if he won't admit is he has always felt a bit bad about that. I smile and laugh "I'll tell you but it's not that interesting, the day I ran away from home I flew for miles and miles until I flew near the patch of forest he was playing in, he thought I was an intruder so he shot some of his explosion magic at me, even though it wasn't powerful I fell out of the sky and hit the ground cutting my eye on a rock" i tell him.
We travel together for several more months, it's fun having our dragon around, we tell stories and stuff before we go to bed and he's great for travel since we can fly on his back in his true form. We land for the day and while the boys set up camp I go out to hunt. I'm only gone for maybe 15 minutes when I hear a blast coming from the direction of our campsite, and I see the trees on fire, I take off running trying to get back as fast as I can but by the time I'm back the place is empty, most of our stuff is gone, along with both katsuki and kirishima. I call out for them but I don't hear anything. I take a breath, trying to avoid freaking out. I sit down and start listening. Then my ear twitches, they aren't far yet, their both shouting but their not directly shouting for me, and their moving farther away, meaning there's definitely more then a few guys holding them captive. I start following the sound as quickly as I can while also trying to be quiet. I hide in the tree line and knock the driver off of the horse pulling a prison wagon, these are definitely some organized bandits.

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