Chapter 7, city of lights

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After about an hour of just laying in the grass i finally felt my strength return to me after being as cold as I was. I sit up and look around, everyone seems to be doing a whole lot better, we don't have to wear those dumb cloaks anymore so that's a plus, it makes Kat happy since he gets to wear his cape again. I get up and collect my stuff and we head off to the next city, this city is a nightlife district, taverns, inns, stalls of all kinds, it's the best place to get a nice meal and sleep on a nice soft bed. We reach the city as it reaches twilight and we're all starving. We walk around to try and find a tavern which isn't particularly hard, but I feel something bump into me. I look down thinking I accidentally stepped on a child. "Ow! You should watch where you're- woah- you're beautiful-" the short man says. "Uh- thanks?-" I say kinda confused, even though I have friends I don't really get that many compliments. The short man grabs my hand and starts kissing it and blabbering nonsense. I'm not exactly sure what to do, this isn't exactly within our group's definition of "ordinary" but in classic katsuki fashion he gets angry and yells. "Get off of her you short creepy prick!" He yells and kicks the small man, knocking him over. Sho grabs his water skin and has me hold out my hands to rinse them off. "Let's go. I don't want to go to a tavern with trash outside of it." Katsuki says and begins walking. "Dammit, why do pretty ladies always have to have annoyingly large guys surrounding them." The short man mumbles as we follow katsuki, eventually we find a place that is to all of our likings, it's a tad loud for me but Kiri loves all the people around so it's ok. Katsuki and sho go up to the bar and order us food and they come back a few minutes later with food. As I start eating I try to start a conversation. "I think the last time someone gave me a compliment it was last time I saw kaminari-" I say and like magic I hear a voice behind me. "Did someone say my name?- oh- if it isn't my favorite group of royalty, long time no see guys." Denki says as the blond walks over to our table. Katsuki glares at the loud blond as he walks over. "Speak of the devil and he appears." Kat mutters. "Oh come on Kachan you have to admit you missed me a little bit" Denki says as he sits down. "How many times have I told you to quit calling me that dunce face" Katsuki mutters. "I thought that was midoryia's nickname for you-" sho says. "It is" me and Kat say at the same time. "Once that damn Deku started calling me that dunce face heard and started calling me that to." Kat explains in annoyance. "What brings you guys around here anyways? You're awfully close to elf territory- especially since-" the loud blond kept talking till I covered his mouth. "Ya I know we are, which is why I'd really like it if you kept your mouth shut about it." I say glaring at him, the last thing we need is to be hunted down by the guards because they found out I'm crossing through their territory. I move my hand from the blonds mouth and he continues to talk. "So why are you guys here then? You guys never come anywhere near here without reasoning-" Denki asks. I explain what happened and why we're passing through which makes Kami give me one of his dumb smirks, it means he has an idea I probably won't like. "How about I come with you guys, I'll be the perfect cover story while passing through here so our little ex-princess here won't get caught" Denki says and with that Kat slams his head into the table in frustration. I sigh and pat his back to try to console him. "Think about it Bakugo, letting him tag along may make it easier in the long run, no offense but the longer we take the weaker she gets, it may be good to have extra people along in case of something bad happening" sho states, I look down knowing he's right and unfortunately katsuki out of everyone knows it the most, no none of them may have noticed but as the weeks and months go by the shining sparkle in my eyes that he loves so much fades, my strength has been going down faster then I thought and he knows it to. Kat sighs and sits up. "Fine dunce face, you can join us." He tells Denki reluctantly. I appreciate it, him and Denki may be friends, but as we got older he seemed to get more and more annoyed by the energetic blonds actions. Denki smiles and tosses a small bag of coins to the middle of the table. "If it makes Bakugo feel better I'll pay for tonight's room, I know a place fit for our princess" Denki says. Katsuki doesn't say a word and just rolls his eyes. After a bit of chit chat we go to the inn Denki mentioned and as promised he paid for the rooms, we couldn't all fit in one room anymore as our traveling group got bigger, despite denki's protest he stayed with Kiri while me Katsuki and sho stayed in one room. "So now so far we have an annoying ass bard, a prince that will do anything to spend his fathers coin, a dragon, an ex princess, and me" katsuki says. Without skipping a beat I reply to him. "And one dragon king with an anger problem" I say joking and he just rolls his eyes. I smile and get into bed. "Tf do you think you're doing?" Katsuki asks. "Getting into my bed for the night?" I answer slightly confused. "It's freezing in here, I don't need you getting cold and then I have to carry you all the way to the port, get your ass over here" he demands. I roll my eyes but comply since there's no point in arguing with him. He puts his cape over my shoulders for "extra warmth" or whatever and we fall asleep.

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