Chapter 10, almost there

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We stay at an inn for the night and continue the next morning bright and early. I wake up again not feeling to great. The effects of losing my fire stone really start coming into effect, luckily we aren't far out from where the volcano is. I get out of bed only to immediately fall to my knees. Kat pokes his head out of the bathroom and rushes over to me, his hair soaked and he's missing his signature red cape. "Woah woah woah what's wrong..?!" He says worried, last time this happened it was when I first lost the fire stone. The other boys gather around as well. "You don't look to good, maybe we should have you rest for the day" Denki says and I shake my head. "We can't...I hate to say it...but I'm running out of" I say. "N-no, you said we had a year! It's barley been 5 months! We should still have time!" Kirishima shouts. "I thought we did...depending on an elves age and strength they can spend certain amounts of time without their fire stone...I thought my strength would compensate for my young age more then it actually did..." I say and the room goes quiet for a moment. "Can we leave you and Bakugo here while we get a fire stone and bring it back?" Denki asks and I shake my head. "You wouldn't find it, only I know where they're hidden.." I tell him. "Then we have no time left to waste." Sho speaks up. "She can't walk that far in this state." Kat states. "Then we fly." Kiri says. We all nod and katsuki goes to grab his cape, he wraps it around me and carry's me out of the city. Kiri transforms and everyone climbs on, me needing extra assistance. Kat holds me close as we fly, trying to keep me warm so I don't lose any more strength. We fly for several hours, but despite me being wrapped up and leaning against Kat it's not enough and I start to shiver. "We need to land for a while, she's getting too cold." Kat says and our dragon goes to land. Kat helps me down and makes a fire. We rest for a while before continuing to make our way to the volcano. We do this for three days until kaminari sees it in the distance. "There it is!" He shouts and I look. "Kirishima, land us at the base." I tell him and even though he looks back and gives me a look he does so. "Why are we landing here?" Sho asks. "He couldn't land at the top, he would damage something trying to land, we're gonna have to walk the rest of the way up" I tell him. "In your sorry state? You're joking right?" Kat says. "No, I'll be ok, there's no other choice, we're almost out of time.." I say and slide off of our dragon once he's landed, I give Kat his cape back. "You need to stay warm..." he tells me and tries to hand it back. "remember what you said? My clumsy ass will just trip over it anyway" I say and give him a soft smile attempting to lighten the mood. We set the majority of our stuff at the bottom of the volcano, it won't get taken here since this place isn't exactly somewhere that people wanna be at. We slowly start to make our way to the top of the volcano, it's not easy considering how weak I am currently, but I just keep telling myself it'll be ok soon. Once we make it to the top I wander to where the volcano's lava pool is. The warmth makes me smile slightly. I take a breath and stand up, I make my way over to a rock and try to push it off to the side but I'm not strong enough. Although he's confused Kat pushes the rock to the side for me and I smile. A small lava pool sits at the bottom and on the walls there's the item we've spent al this time looking for, fire stones. I reach into the hold but suddenly feel a sharp pain in my shoulder, I fall back and scream with agony. I look up to see the same face that started this journey in the first place.

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