Chapter One

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I snapped open my eyes, I was awake. I know I was. I turned my head and it pounded, I let out a soft grunt and suddenly people were buzzing around me. Who were they? Where am I?

I tried to get up but found out I couldn't. my body ached all over and I soon realized I was inside a hospital room and in between those herd of nurses and doctors were my friends, sitting on a couch and some standing about—their faces laced with worry, and I tried to speak. To tell them I was okay, but nothing had come out. Then I saw her, a woman in her late 40s maybe. She held a closed umbrella; she was using it as a clutch as if she was trying hard to balance herself. She stared at me, and I stared back.

It was the most awkward 10 minutes of my life.

Had I not blinked, I think she'd still be there.


I spent another whole day and a half in the hospital, which was okay if not for my mother who came by just before I was allowed to leave. I managed to drown out all her accusations, yelling at me that I did this "stunt" to get out of the house and refused to do my chores (I was happy when the doctor had called up the guards to escort her out). They gave me pills to take for a week just to stabilize my system, other than that nothing else was exchanged between us.

My friends told me they'd pick me up so we could all go out to eat before they brought me home, so I waited for them by the waiting area, sitting around and playing with my phone—which was almost dead by the way. I hummed to myself, trying to pass the time and hadn't notice anything strange until someone's shadow casted over me.

"Maxine Elsher..." I looked up, thinking it was a nurse wanting to ask a few more questions but it was the same lady from before, I noticed how she wore an all-black outfit. A dress sinched by the waist and rode down on the floor, a Victorian style outfit. She wore a sunhat (of course, also black) and the same umbrella she held a day or so ago.

"Yes?" I questioned but still wary of her.

"You are... Maxine, yes?"

"That's me." I said even though I felt like I shouldn't have said so, I saw her smile warmly showing off her wrinkled face though the smile she gave made her look a little bit younger despite the lines.

"Come with me." She urged, raising her umbrella to point at the door and I shook my head.

"Sorry." I mumbled. "But I'm waiting for someone. I need to be here." I saw her nod.

"It will be just a minute—"

"I said, no!" I screamed, not meaning to raise my voice but I felt a different kind of vibe from her, she recoiled and fixed her skirt. She turned to me once more, sighing. "I shall return when things have calmed down." Then suddenly, all the noise in the world came crashing down around me again and when I looked back at the woman—she was gone, much like before.

I was ready to get up and leave, clear my head when I finally saw my friends, I wanted to run to them and tell them what happened but decided not to and waited for them to approach, I smiled and were quiet when they asked me questions.

"I think we should let her be, it's lunch time. She's probably hungry." I heard Jane said, saw them all nod then accompanied me outside where I could hear my mother shouting my name, but I didn't dare turn to look, afraid I'll get sucked in again. I sighed, looking at the ground and remembering the woman.

Who was she? What did she want with me, more importantly... she seems to know who I am. Which is weird. I stared at my palms; the cool air brushed my face as the car was speeding up. I had time to think before we reached our destination but whenever I did, I always ended up remembering that woman's face like I can't quite get her out of my mind even if I forced her out. I don't know her. I told myself.

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