Chapter Six

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I watched her, confused by her question. I looked around trying to act as if I was thinking—and I was—but her question was so confusing!

"What do you mean?" I finally asked.

"I meant." She pursed her lips. "How do you want to do the exchange?" She paused then shook her head. "It feels wrong when said out loud."

"Easy. Just an easy exchange, I don't want anything else." I stated. "I need her to let my sister go."

"She can and she will if we negotiate. She won't need to take you!" she said, her voice filled with desperation. I shook my head, looking down at my hands and noticed they looked rather filthy, but I tried not to think about it. I looked back at her.

"I need to do this Aunt Millicent." I said, then sighed. "If I don't... she'll kill my sister."

"I won't let her take you." She said, pleading at me with her eyes.

"I..." a long pause as I tried to avoid her eyes. "I can't let you take that risk, for me. Your siblings would only hate you." I said, it wasn't the whole truth, but I think she needed to hear that. Maybe.

"You are not in that position to make that decision for me."

"But so are you!" I yelled but instantly felt bad. I felt my emotions bursting out of me as I stared at her. "You don't get to decide what I should do with my life just because you want to make up for lost time."

"Maxine..." she paused, shaking her head. I knew I hurt her, but I think I need to do this... I think I need to push her away to make this easier... but it feels harder. "Max. I..." I saw her shake and couldn't bear to look at her. I got up and turned away.

"I'm sorry Miss Millicent. I need to do this, but by all means..." stop me. I wanted to say but hadn't. I didn't want to—more likely—I wasn't strong enough to ask for it. I would have broken down and this plan of leaving everything behind with one fell swoop would have been for nothing. I feel sorry for the damage I have caused but I... can't do it anymore. If I do end up dying because of it at least I died knowing my sister would be safe in this haven that our father had created.


I stood outside of the castle. I had a day and a half to prepare but I didn't really feel like packing. I think I would die instantly anyways and won't need anything. Then I heard someone clear their throat, I looked up and saw Ember and I couldn't help but roll my eyes.

"What?" I snapped, turning to the side. "Going to scold me about the girl, too?" I asked. I then turned back to her with this smug look thinking I had cornered her, but it quickly faltered when I saw the confused expression on her face.

"I don't know what you're talking about..." she then rubbed the back of her neck, then I saw her dig through her pocket then pulled out something, but I couldn't really see since she concealed it with her hand.

"I wanted to give you this. If she ends up just taking you as a prisoner, then you'll have something to remember this place by." She then opened her hand, and it was a little strawberry crochet keychain. She slipped it in my hand and then winked. "Well unless you want to fight for your freedom, we can do that too."

"I made it myself." I almost laughed at her statement, but I held the keychain gingerly then pointed at her while smirking. "You made this?"

She looked offended then she took my free hand and began dragging me away from the front door and to a secluded area just behind the castle. "Yes, I made it." she told me while we walked and soon, I began copying her pacing and now we were walking side by side while she still held my hand.

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