𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐟𝐢𝐟𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐧

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What were we doing?

Adjusting my pants again, I heard Isamu's shoes on the wooden floor behind me. He closed the door after Evangelina left.

I shouldn't have let that happen. This will mess up things even more. Even after she cried the first time I kissed her, still like the stupid idiot I am, proceeded to kiss her again.

And not just kiss her but go even further.

How am I supposed to stay away from her now? Now that I know how her mouth fully tasted, how her breaths felt against my lips, how her soft skin felt under my touch.

And oh don't get me started on her perfect body. Evangelina was like heaven. No, she was even better.

I flex my fingers, still feeling her silky skin under my hands.

Rubbing a hand over my face, I turn around to face him. He stands there with a sly smirk on his face. Knowing look in his eyes. I didn't need people to know about this but now he does.

"Yes, Isamu?" I said after a few seconds.

'What was happening here?' He gestured, the smirk still not going away from his face.

"Nothing. What could have been happening?" I tried to play it off and pretend like nothing really was happening. Maybe he'll let it go.

'That.' He pointed his finger on the floor by the desk. 'Doesn't look like nothing, boss.' He gestured further on and my eyes flew to the place he pointed at.

Her bra.

It was on the floor, clearly visible that it was ripped off. It was made of a sheer black material and it made me immediately think of her. How perfectly it hugged her tits. How surprised she was when I snapped it off her body.

I quickly picked it up and rounded the table, opening one of the drawers, I placed it inside and closed it back.

Pulling the chair, I lowered my body on it and turned my whole attention to Isamu. I'll think about the consequences later.

"What did you got?" I asked, changing the subject. I hope he doesn't push to talk about it. Isamu is not just my right hand but also my best friend, someone I can rely on and someone I can fully trust. We grew up together and we have each other's backs.

'We are preparing everything. I talked with Edoardo. You know how much he despises Sergei. He will help us.' Edoardo. An assassin. Paid killer. He was a gifted snipper. Nothing gets past him. We've met on several occasions and I know he won't hesitate to help us.

He was a tough guy who didn't care if something happened to him. He had nothing to lose which made him even more dangerous.

"That's good."

'We've prepared almost everything. You only have to call him and arrange the meeting.' He leaned back in his chair. I didn't doubt that Isamu was capable of doing everything.

It was only left on me to speak with Sergei and let him know where we would meet.

'He will want to see her if you want him to give you the necklace.' My blood boiled at the thought of having Evangelina there. In such a dangerous situation.

"I know but... I don't want her there. She'll have to see them die if she's there." I didn't want her going through that. She didn't deserve it. It will break her. Even the thought of killing her family was tightening my stomach with nauseous but I couldn't spare them.

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