𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐞𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐧

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"Asahi what are you talking about?" My throat burned and a few more tears fell down my face.

Oh God.

No! This can't be real.

"She was kidnapped, Evangelina. Your Dad kidnapped her." When I made him tell me the truth this was far from what I expected. No, this is something I didn't expect at all.

My hand flew to my mouth and my body froze. I knew my Dad was capable of evil things, but was he willing to go that far, to kidnap a small child?

"She was just eleven. Her birthday was supposed to be a few weeks later." He chuckled bitterly, his eyes full of tears.

"We didn't know who did it. I was looking for her everywhere but, Grandpa got sick, even more when he found out. I got shot when she was taken away and woke up a few days later." His tears escaped, and he leaned forward again, holding the bracelet in a death grip.

"It was my fault. She was taken because of me. I shouldn't have let her wear the necklace. If I was a better brother and actually put everything in myself to keep her safe... I should have died that day."

"Please don't say that." I pleaded.

"For five years we didn't know where she was. For five long years. I had hoped that we were going to find her safe and sound. That she was going to be okay. There was still hope in me after so long." He quickly wiped his eyes.

A strangled sob left my lips. All I wanted was to get buried in the safe embrace of his arms but I know that he was far from wanting that right now. After all, I was the daughter of the man who ruined his life.

It all makes so much sense, his hatred towards me.

"I'm not sure if you know who Ilya is. He worked for your Dad. After we caught him, he spilled everything. He took us to this abandoned warehouse where..." He struggled to continue.

"Where we found her body. She was... her dead body was there. We found out that she was dead for two weeks." I knew how much it must hurt him to talk about this but regardless of that, he didn't stop.

"You know that thought alone made me sick to my stomach and all I wanted to do was disappear. She was dead for two weeks. She was kept there all of those five years. She... she must have been terrified. She had DPD. Dependent personality disorder. Which means she needed someone with her all the time. She needed me there. And I was not." My vision was blurring and I was barely able to catch my breath.

"Also when they examined the body... they found out that..." A sob left his lips, covering his mouth he stopped for a second.

After he gathered himself, he continued.

"She was pregnant. She was pregnant for three months, almost four, when she was killed." Oh noo.

I started sobbing and buried my face in my hands. How could they do that to her? She was so young. Younger than me. How could my Dad do that, having a daughter at home as a young her and he still went and did the most vile thing a person can do.

She was kept by him for five years and in all of those years he pretended that nothing was happening. He was coming home and eating at the same table with us. He was laughing with us, pretending to be a good father in front of people, yet he kept a small helpless girl in captivity.

And did the most unimaginable things to her. My heart felt like it was going to give up.

Jovan... did he know of that? He must have known. The thought of them abusing Asahi's sister made me want to disappear.

𝐈𝐧 𝐇𝐢𝐬 𝐇𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐬 ✓Where stories live. Discover now