1st September 1971-Hogwarts Express

Lucia Malfoy had enough.

Enough of her 6th year Slytherin Prefect brother going on about Lord Voldynose or whatever his stupid name was.

"Lucius?"She asked.

"What do you want now,Lucia?"He sighed.

Lucia had been asking him, Bellatrix and Narcissa questions for the past 2 hours about Hogwarts.
So all 3 were then talking about The Dark Lord for the past hour.

"I'm going to find people in my year.I'm not sitting here with people I don't know that well for my first time to Hogwarts."Lucia got up."I'll see you at Hogsmeade Station."

She shut the compartment door behind her.

After searching for a compartment with people who looked about her age,Lucia had found one with 3 boys and 1 girl.

One boy, with greasy black hair,hooked nose was talking to a red haired girl.

The other 2 were laughing together.

"Im Sirius. Sirius Black."Said Sirius.

"Are you?"Asked James.

"Am I what?"


"Yes, I'm serious"

"You're seriously Sirius?"

"I'm serious, I'm Sirius"

"Seriously? Well, Sirius, I'm James Potter"

"I, Sirius, am seriously pleased to meet you in all seriousness"

Lucia smiled.They looked like fun. "And I'm pleased to meet you too,"

"And who are you?"


"Pleased to meet you too Lucia,"

"Potter,Black.So your purebloods too?"



"Got an attitude just like that hair,"Sirius muttered.

"Come on Severus,Let's find a different compartment,"The redhead pulls the greasy haired boy behind her.

"Cya Snivellius,"James mocked.

Sirius snorted.

"Anything from the trolley dears?"A short lady pushing a trolley asked.

"Yes Can I get Droobles Best blowing gum?"Lucia got up.

"That will be 5 knuts,"

"Thank you,"

"We'll take the whole trolley,"

The boys give the lady a handful of Galleons.

"So what house are you two going to be sorted into?"Lucia asked.

"Gryffindor,"James Potter said."I'd rather die than be sorted into Slytherin,"

Sirius and Lucia glanced at each other.

"I'm supposed to be sorted into Slytherin,"Lucia said."Just like my whole family."

"Same here,"Sirius muttered.

The compartment door slid open once again and two more boys peeked through.

"First years too?"The bolder one asked.

"Yep welcome,"Sirius gestured to the seats.

"What are you?"James asked.

"Don't be silly Potter.They're obviously going to be humans.Not vampires or werewolves.Right?"Lucia grinned.

The bolder one paled a little.

"I meant blood wise.Half,pure or muggleborn?"

"Well I'm Remus Lupin.Halfblood."The bolder one said.

"And I'm Peter Pettigrew.Halfblood too."Said the other one.


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