15th December 1971

The term at Hogwarts was almost at an end.
1972 was almost here.
For many this was a joyous occasion.

But for 2 particular Gryffindor's,it wasn't.

"So I've got Natalie to write to Mother,about you coming to mine,for the Astronomy homework,a couple of days ago,"

"Has she replied yet?"

"Yeah,I got a letter this morning."Lucia replied,pulling out a very crumpled piece of paper."Here read it,"

Dearest Natalie (Lucius and Lucia),
Natalie wrote to me regarding the Christmas holidays.
Yes all 3 of you are coming back to Malloy Manor.
Lucia,(I know that this letter will be passed on from the 3 of you),you would have to ask Walburga and Orion Black for the boy to come over in the holidays.Natalie,you will see Bellatrix and Narcissa at the Yule ball and at Bellatrix's wedding,so no they shall not be coming over to Malloy Manor to celebrate the holidays. Lucius,stop bullying Lucia.And no Lucia did not start anything either.
Lucia be careful mentioning your house,your father took the blow very seriously.
I expect perfect grades from all 3 of you.
See you 3 at Christmas,
Helena Malfoy.

"Great,"Sirius sighed."You'll have to ask Mother and Father,"

Lucia swallowed."They're terrifying,"

Sirius gave her a small smile,"I know,"

"Any advice?"

"Flatter them,talk about how much you've heard about them from me,"Sirius said."And try to stay calm,"

Lucia raised an eyebrow."Oh,yes because I'll go up to Lord and Lady Black,being extremely pissed,"

"I can imagine that,"Sirius grinned."Well kinda,"

"Shut up!"

"So I'm guessing you don't want advice?"

Lucia rolled her eyes."We have 3 days.I'll figure something out,"

As the pair walked through the entrance hallway,they were met by a running James,Peter and Remus.

The 5 met in a collision around the corner,and James,Peter and Remus scrambled to their feet and grabbed Sirius and Lucia;tugging them along.

Sirius was wailing dramatically,before James whacked him silencing him.

"Why are we running?"Lucia wheezed.

"You know the prank we played in Slytherin Common Room?"James panted.

"Let's stop for a bit,"Remus muttered,sounds of agreement coming from the others.

"Well James over here thought it was a good idea to prank the next student that walked by."Remus explained,"Turns out the student wasn't a student at all,but a very angry McGonagall,"

Lucia winced.

"How?"was all Sirius said,but the 3 who were part of the prank understood instantly.

"Astrictus on her shoes,"

Sirius snorted.

"Wait where did this happen?"


Sirius and Lucia looked at each other,panic visible on both faces.

"We skipped Transfiguration?"


"Where even were both of you?"James asked.

"Clocktower Courtyard."

"We need to split up!"Lucia said.

"Why?"James questioned.

"So that we're not near each other so she doesn't know who pulled it?"

"So we split up,"Remus began,"and then we meet each other somewhere?"

"Yeah,but where?"

"Our dorm?"Peter said,"It's only us four and nobody goes in anyone else's dorm."

"Okay,split up and we'll meet in an hour in your dorm,"

Lucia and Peter were the first ones to be back in the dorm.
Remus entered 5 minutes after Peter and Sirius and James entered together.


"She didn't see me,"
"Me neither,"

"She caught me,"Lucia and Sirius said in unison.

"Wait,you too?"They said again,in unison.

"Yeah me too,"

"Stop saying what I'm saying."

"Shut up Sirius,"
"Shut up,Lucia,"

James,Remus and Peter just watched the pair,amused.

"So,"James sighed,finally breaking the argument,"What did she say?"

"Lucia first,"Peter added.

"She just asked me where I was during the lesson and if I had seen you,"

"James I mean,"she added.

"Same here,"Sirius nodded.

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