3rd November 1971

Sirius Black woke up screaming.It was a very quick change in temperature,from warm to ice cold.

It also didn't help that James was stood in front of him with an empty bucket and a maniacal grin on his face.

"About time,Black,"Lucia drawled from where she was standing in front of the mirror in the boys dorm."We have class today,"

"And breakfast started 10 minutes ago,"Peter added.

"Only about 6 classes,"Remus muttered.

Lucia pulled out a bottle of Sleekeazy and used it on her hair,sleeking it down.

"Gosh,I'm almost out of Sleekeazy,"She muttered.
"Anyway Happy Birthday Sirius,"She threw him a small parcel wrapped in red and gold.

James was frozen in place.
"D-Did y-you just say s-sleekeazy?"


He went to his trunk and pulled out a bottle.

"Why'd you have so many?"Lucia asked.

"Why'd you not use it on your hair?"Sirius asked.

"Get changed Black,It's herbology first and it's raining outside,"James snapped.

Lucia,Remus and Peter left the dorm to go to breakfast.

"I'm going to sit with the girls,I'll see you in a bit,"

"Okay.See you soon!"Peter replied.

"Hey guys!"Lucia said,sitting in her usual spot between Marlene and Aanya.

"Ugh,it's raining and we have Herbology,"Marlene groaned.

"Pass me your wand quick!"

Marlene watched as Lucia used a spell on her wand.

"Pius Impervius,"


Lucia nodded as she spotted Peter,who was about to get soaked and pulled him under her own magical umbrella.

"How are you two not wet?"Sirius hissed across the table.


"Look at half of you!"Professor Sprout exclaimed, "Here,this should warm you up!"
She cast a warming charm.

Murmurs of gratitude echoed throughout the class.

"Oi,Lucia!"Sirius said."Thanks for Zonko's Prank set,"

"No problem,"Lucia said."Just don't use it on me!"

Astronomy took place at 10 o'clock.

"Welcome back to another Astronomy lesson!"Professor Sinistra said."In this lesson you will be in pairs,of your own choosing, and you will have a project which is due in on your first lesson back in January,"

"I will tell you what your project is on in 10 minutes,"Sinistra added,"Meanwhile correct your star charts,"

Lucia and Sirius looked at each other.

"Me and you?"Sirius mouthed.

"Yeah sure,"Lucia mouthed back.

Lucia and Sirius went to Professor Sinistra and got their project.

Which just happened to be on Full Moons.

"Well your family is into stars so I'm going to have to pick something else or it will be to easy and only one of you would be doing the work,"She said,"So your project is to chart the full moons of the next 2 years,"

"And I thought that you'd do all the work!"Lucia groaned as they walked away from Professor Sinistra.

"Yeah but-WAIT WHAT?"

"I didn't say anything?"Lucia shrugged.

"Class is dismissed!"

"About time,"Mary muttered.

𝚁𝚎𝚍 𝚆𝚒𝚗𝚎 ➪ 𝙼𝚊𝚛𝚊𝚞𝚍𝚎𝚛𝚜 {𝟷}Where stories live. Discover now