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When I have nothing, I still have my body.
No one can take that away from me,
no one can free me from it,
although I wish, someone did.
I wish, that someone would just rip me from my body,
and leave all of me and my body to rot.
I hate my body,
but the hate is mutual.
We have the same feelings about each other and ourselves.
We both hate and try to break it,
as we both also hate and try to break me.
Yet we have to be together to survive.
It is a hateful hand-in-hand,
where we both try to break the others fingers,
but also where my hand is it’s hand,
and it’s hand is mine.
It's a self-destructive connection
that cannot be broken without us dying.
Although we both wish for that,
and long for the moment, we are finally separated.
Until then, we just choke each other,
to make us feel in control.

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