Dear America,
Things have not been working well in your system of ruling. In truth; I don’t know how you can even still endorse the system that has oppressed you for so long. Just as you cannot identify all the pebbles of sand on a beach; no ruler can understand the needs of an entire nation, rendering government useless. Even though we make all these positions; giving so many people power to the point where power doesn’t even seem to hold any sort of dissonance. All of these individuals in themselves are rulers; meaning any policy or law they will create will contain some of their individual biases and discrimination. This is why we need to abolish the government, it’s the only way to progress.
Logically speaking, the way we budget our money isn’t the best. Our spending on the military is quite high; while spending on education is fairly low. Logically no one person can understand what is best for an entire country of people. Because people are diverse and the thinking of everyone is innately flawed. There aren’t rulers who work purely selflessly; it’s seemingly impossible for humans to be completely selfless. We all have intrinsic desires that drive the things we do and our values, ranging from abstract to physical. This makes all of humanity some degree of self-centered; and causes all people to only think of themselves making empathy impossible. But as we all know selflessness and empathy are real; I’m merely suggesting that government officials cannot accomplish this by ruling or setting things in place for their people as they can only think from their own perspective. So even if a ruler were to empathize with a nation it would be flawed logically, because it doesn’t make sense how one could empathize with a group; a generalization.
In truth; It’s immoral for us to have a government in place. The police are a part of the government, as are the military. Hell, the Nazi party was a government; I’ll be it an unusually bad one. But think of the millions of people taken by war. All the people who’s lives are taken by the police simply because they look the wrong way. So many people’s lives are ruined by the justice systems; there are pedophiles going uncharged, while another person may get drug charges so bad it creates a felon. They can’t get housing because people think they’re gonna be selling drugs out of an apartment, so it’s even twice as hard for these people to get subsidized housing. It can even be hard for them to find work in certain places. While someone else could literally fuck a baby and go on with life like everything is OK. Just don’t seem right.
The time is now. The biosphere is collapsing; no rulers seem to care enough to solve the crisis. Foreign war is breaking out, and we’re in the midst of another cold war. Millions and millions of people die everyday due to easily preventable deaths in the third world. How could there be any better time for change to happen on a global scale?
America: I feel as if I’ve spoken to you as an entity, something representative of a people. But I must ask you directly: does the world even need you? Would we all be better off with a simpler world government? And UN, don’t think you’re safe. In truth, I oppose it more than anything. I believe instead of having an amalgamation of ineffective governments we should take up a new chapter in our way of living, our whole way of thinking. We have to become a singular nation; THE EARTH. This will be an effective form of government as this is the only effective way to rule. You see if we have one universal force behind all of humanity; no one is blurred out. No issue that imposes an immediate threat to the planet could go unsolved, no people obscure. World peace would inevitably follow suit as there would be no countries to war.
America, these things I would like you to know.
-Love Miranda