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[   I'm still figuring out the direction I want to take this story, so updates may not come super frequently — I do plan for it to be a chaotic nightmare tho. It'll eventually go into the movies but I'm unsure of how quickly  ]



Frankie Roman was exactly like other girls

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Frankie Roman was exactly like other girls. She liked shimmery lip gloss and pink-colored anything. She loved shopping and gossiping with her friends and ending the day with a sleepover. Frankie had terrible grades, too busy thinking about anything and everything else during her classes. And her father would have to sit her down and watch her over her shoulder to make sure she actually completed her homework.

But honestly, she'd always argue, because who had the time for homework? Frankie Roman was the busiest Junior in Forks High School — where she'd been going to school since she was twelve despite technically living on reservation land instead of in the Forks school district.

Some kids were biters growing up, but Frankie was a kicker. So, to give her feet something to do, her parents signed her up for soccer when she was five. It was paying off now, because the girl ate, slept, and breathed the sport. She was the captain of the girls' varsity team and the best striker they'd had in years.

If Frankie wasn't at soccer practice, she was working at Lahote's Auto Parts — the slightly run-down garage that Terrance Lahote owned. Frankie had always been good with her hands, and after her mother died and she developed the nervous habit of skin picking, Billy Black put tools in her hand to distract her. By the time she was fourteen, she knew her way around most late-model cars, which were the ones that were frequently brought into the shop.

But even then, soccer and a job wasn't enough for Frankie, who always had to be surrounded by people because god forbid she be alone with herself and her thoughts — there's no telling where those would go.

So, after a night of fooling around after their ninth-grade winter formal, when Jessica Stanley was singing along to a Britney Spears song, Mike Newton made an off-handed comment about how she was good enough to be a real singer. And Frankie, knowing that Jessica would do anything for Mike's attention, got the ball rolling from there.

Her father, Raylan, taught her how to play his guitar. She needed to get back into practice, but after dusting off a once-red-now-painted-yellow-and-covered-in-stickers bass guitar, she corralled her friend Tyler into forming a band, who could play the drums. Jessica couldn't play any instruments, but Frankie had been teaching her to play the guitar over the years — she was still a work in progress, but they sounded great together. They didn't need any more instruments than that. The sound they settled on was acoustic and a blend of indie and pop music, a perfect combination of Frankie and Jessica.

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