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[ put in your guesses now for the grade i got back on that physics test ]



"Stop — making — out!" Tyler exclaimed while throwing his drumsticks at Frankie and Emmett in his garage

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"Stop — making — out!" Tyler exclaimed while throwing his drumsticks at Frankie and Emmett in his garage.

Everyone was gathered to watch the band rehearse, Emmett the only Cullen to come this time. Sometimes Edward or Alice came with him, but Edward wasn't at school that day. He was sick according to Emmett.

"You got her during lunch, Crowley," Emmett said, pulling away from Frankie's lips.

"And we have her now," Jessica said, putting her hands on her hips. "I need my other werewolf."

Frankie snorted and finally untangled herself from Emmett, getting ready to start rehearsal now that they'd all finished eating their pizzas. Bella was there as well, sitting in a lawn chair next to Angela, Eric, and Mike. Despite hating most social situations, she was excited. Bella liked almost any kind of music, always having her headphones or playing it out loud in her room.

She was surprised by how affectionate Emmett Cullen was after the horrible first meeting with his brother. He reminded her of an oversized puppy dog, just following Frankie around with stars in his eyes. It was clear his whole world revolved around her, which was a nice sentiment.

Frankie pecked Emmett's lips once more, ignoring Tyler who yelled at them, before grabbing her bass guitar. "We're gonna do a new one."

"Is it a love song about Emmett?" Mike asked in a dull tone — the last three songs they wrote were about Emmett. Sure, they were really fucking good songs and they weren't all sappy, slow ones, but Mike was a boy. So sue him for wanting some diversity.

"No," Frankie said matter-of-factly while fixing the strap on her guitar. Then she winked at Mike. "It's about you and how I'm leaving him for you."

As everyone snickered, Emmett sighed and plopped down in the chair next to Mike. "I hate when you make that joke."

"Me too," Jessica muttered under her breath so quietly that Emmett was the only one to hear.

Frankie just made a heart with her hands and aimed it at Emmett, making him grin. But it fell when she moved it over to Mike, who let out a cheer.

"No, for real, Ty wrote this one. It's really cool," Frankie said, getting ready to actually start. "And Jess sounds amazing in the bridge. Just wait."

Rehearsal went on as usual, Bella joining the several onlookers this time. It was much more calm than school and no one really looked her way, too focused on the music or the homework they were doing while nodding their heads to the beat. For the first time since moving to Forks, she found she wasn't absolutely socially exhausted by the time it was done and Frankie was waving goodbye, walking off toward home with Emmett at her side.

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