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Emmett was actually kind of fucking nervous as he toed the line between the treaty line leading to reservation land

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Emmett was actually kind of fucking nervous as he toed the line between the treaty line leading to reservation land. That Monday, opting to skip school, Frankie was bringing Emmett to meet the pack — well, most of the pack. Seth was in school, and Frankie told him he had to go because his education was important.

Of course, Seth pointed out how hypocritical it was, seeing as Frankie didn't consider her own education important.

Even if the treaty had been altered for him, it was still instilled in Emmett's brain that he was meant to stay away. So, it was proving difficult to actually get him to go meet the pack. Or her family, more accurately. Her family that hated him with every fiber of their beings already.

"Babe, it's so cute and adorable that you, like, want to respect my tribe's deep-rooted and valid hatred of you, but come on," Frankie said, pulling on Emmett's hand. Of course, she could really drag him along if she wanted to. "Emily is making chicken and waffles for a big breakfast and if there's none left, I will break up with you."

"I hate that you're probably serious about that," he grumbled. Then he let out a needless sigh and gave in, taking his first step across the border. "Let's get this over with."

"That's the spirit. I remember dreading walking into your house for the first time," she joked, leading him toward Sam and Emily's taking the shortcut through the woods. "Okay, so, don't talk to Paul or Jacob. Embry will probably warm up after Quil talks to you. Leah hates everyone, so don't take it so hard. Sam and Jared get it though since they've imprinted even though they aren't happy."

"Great, so this is gonna be a shit time," he grumbled. "Am I about to be torn to pieces?"

"Probably just uncomfortably ignored," she said with a shrug. "Then we can go back to your place after I've eaten. Emily is an even better cook than Esme, so I don't care how much you don't want to be here."

"Will this Emily like me at least? Since she's not a wolf?" he asked hopefully.

"You make me happy, so she'll be happy," Frankie said gently. "But just don't stare at her, okay? Or I'll kick your ass."

"You got nothing to worry about," Emmett promised. "I will be a perfect house guest right up until they kill me."

Frankie frowned and stopped to look at him. "Seriously, you're safe here, Em. I - I don't even know how to put into words how important you are to me. The pack with gripe and moan, but they aren't going to get in the way of this — of us. No one dies, right?"

Emmett smiled and nodded. "No one dies," he said before kissing her softly. Then he sighed needlessly. "Alright, let's meet the pack, Little Wolf."

"I am six feet tall," she said, rolling her eyes.

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