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For whatever reason, both Bella and Edward missed school the next Monday

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For whatever reason, both Bella and Edward missed school the next Monday. When Frankie tried to call her to see if she was sick, she never picked up the phone. Emmett was the one to tell her that they were skipping school together, which surprised her because Bella was very much not the kind of girl to skip class.

That would at least mean there would be no accidents in gym class at the very least, which was where Frankie and Jessica were headed now after changing into their clothes for the period.

"Okay, so I got the pink dress, obviously," Jess said, filling her in on how the rest of the shopping trip went. "Then I also found this super hot gold one that I got as a backup, but it actually makes me look so washed out and the store doesn't have a return policy, so I guess I just have it now. I don't know what to do with it because it's meant for someone way tanner than me."

Frankie cut her eyes to her best friend, a knowing look on her face. Jessica already knew gold tones washed her out, so there was only one reason she'd have grabbed the extra dress that she didn't need.

"Right, and the dress wouldn't happen to be two sizes too big, would it?" she asked, playing along.

"I mean, the baggy look is so in right now," Jessica said in a matter-of-fact tone. "Hey, you should come over and try it on though. It might fit."

She smiled at the ground as they entered the gymnasium. "Yeah, I could give it a try."

"Thanks so much," she said as if Frankie was doing her a huge favor.

After that, Frankie looked up to see several of her soccer team members standing around the gym, which made no sense. "Allison, Lakin, Dani, you guys aren't in this class. Did Coach call a meeting?"

"Nope," Allison Martin said with a smirk. "Maybe you should just take a seat."

Then Jessica was pushing Frankie toward the bleachers, who was so confused as she made her climb to the very top.

"Stop pushing me," she whined, trying to shove Jessica's hands off. "Why are we going up here?"

"Just - just be cooperative," Jessica requested, letting out an exasperated sigh.

When Frankie tried to turn around, Jessica stopped her short. "Dude?" she asked, staring at her friend oddly. But Jessica was looking over her shoulder and smiling.

"Okay, now we can turn around," she finally said.

Frankie eyed her for a moment longer before turning around, only to see all her teammates had moved. The whole team was lying on the floor, their bodies bent and twisted to spell out a word — well, a question with a soccer ball dotting the question mark.


"This is the best he can do?" Frankie asked Jessica, biting back a smile.

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