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[ oh, god I have so much homework this weekend and won't be able to keep writing fast. But enjoy and just know we're zooming through new moon bc I miss emmett already ]




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Frankie Roman was an angry girl as of late. Everyone knew it. While Bella disappeared into a shell of herself after the Cullen family moved away, Frankie turned into someone different — someone harder and more guarded. And that change translated into every aspect of her life.

At the garage, where she was getting more and more hours, Paul could barely get a smile from her. He didn't know she was pissed about him hiding vampires from her, though. And Frankie was too goddamn stubborn to bring it up.

Everyone else that knew was in the same boat — Raylan, Billy, Sam, Jared, fucking Bella.

God, Frankie hadn't looked at Bella once since that night. Once she knew the girl wasn't going to die of hypothermia, she let herself be mad. Bella lied to her just like the Cullens had. She put Frankie's life — her father's life — in danger by not telling her what they really were. So, if Bella wanted to waste away into nothing up in her bedroom over a guy who left her alone in the woods to die, then she'd let her.

Frankie hated most everyone except her friends from school, but most of all, she hated herself. Because in the middle of the night, in her dreams, where she couldn't control her thoughts, all she wanted was Emmett. She still saw golden eyes and firm, pale skin when she closed her eyes. She dreamt of his lips and his touch, savoring the sound of his deep laugh that used to make her smile so easily.

But none of that was real. Emmett — the Emmett she knew, at least — wasn't real. She never knew him at all.

The anger was present in the band, too. Tyler got a lot more loud solos as their sound shifted in more of a rock direction, all of the songs Frankie wrote being filled with hate for Emmett and the betrayal she felt from his whole family.

Because it wasn't just Emmett that lied to her. It was Rosalie and Esme and Jasper and Edward. They played her for the fool and still were from wherever the hell they were in the world.

The biggest difference in Frankie was on the soccer field. She was already aggressive, but without Emmett in her life, she threw herself into the sport. It was the only thing that would get her away from Forks and the memories of Emmett that plagued her every day. They had to win state, she had to get a full ride to Stanford, she had to leave this place.

If it was one of the rare times that Frankie wasn't angry, she'd turn her head and spot Sam and get angry all over again. He wouldn't fucking leave her alone, always calling out for her, showing up at games, offering her rides to work that she'd turn down. He wouldn't stop watching her like he was waiting for something, and it pissed her off.

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