Krishna's Vrindavan

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As Krishna grew up, His transcendental pastimes captured everyone's eyes and stole everyone's hearts.

He was the sweetest child and the darling of His Gokul. But no matter how much He grew older, He was always a baby to His Mother.

Once, all the inhabitants of Braj and the surrounding villages gathered for a meeting. They were perturbed by the rising atrocities of King Kamsa. And every now and then, his slaves and demons attacked Them and threatened Them.

Many times, Their innocent children, and even Krishna's life, were in danger. But the innocent natives didn't know that Krishna wasn't in danger, infact, He was the danger.

Sweet to the ones who loved Him and considered Him Their own, like the villagers, and He was ever ready to protect Them from anything and anyone.

But raise a finger at His loved ones and He was destruction personified for such sinners. Even at such a tender age, He had defeated demons and cruel tyrants who were considered undefeated.

Krishna was playing with His friends when He came home at the end of the day. He saw the gloomy faces of His parents and the guests. He immediately knew what had happened and how He could help them. He could never see anyone sad around Him. He was the source of bliss for everyone.

In His absence while He went to play, They even forgot to smile or engage in work. They would think of Krishna and recall His face and pastimes to keep themselves enamoured and motivated, as They awaited His next advent or meet with Them. They would eagerly wait to see Him and pray for a chance to visit Him.

"Baba, I think We should all shift to the neighbouring city. I discovered a place while playing on the outskirts of Gokul. It is beautiful and hidden from the eyes of Kamsa. He still doesn't know about the vicinity and surroundings of Gokul. This place is between Gokul and Barsana. And it's heavenly and peaceful and We all shall be safe there." Krishna suggested out of the blues as everyone around looked up at Him.

Everyone was enchanted by His beautiful and peaceful smile. They all immediately nodded Their heads in unison at once and agreed.

Krishna smiled, knowing that His plan was well executed and soon He would be one with His lady love. Finally all His efforts paid heed.

Krishna : Radha, are You excited to receive Me?

Radha : Yes Krishna! Very soon We shall be living in the same city, and We can meet anytime.

Krishna : Then, do You trust Me? Are You ready to take the leap of faith?

Radha : Yes Krishna, ofcourse I trust You. I know Your plans are the best.

Krishna : If that's so, then meet Me at twilight under the moonlight.

Radha was so excited for Their upcoming meeting, and She couldn't sit still. Finally, They could be together. Like a damsel's young heart, Her heartbeats grew faster.

She counted the moments until twilight.


She held His baby soft hands and took a leap of faith

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She held His baby soft hands and took a leap of faith.

They stepped together in synchrony, and Their auspicious footprints with the symbols of prosperity and luck were embedded on the earth.

The place where Their Lotus Feet fell glowed under the moonlight. And a small sapling of a familiar and auspicious plant sprouted.

The leaves unfolded one by one, and magically, the small sapling transformed into a huge tree within seconds.

"Tulsi?" Radha identified the plant as Krishna's beloved Sakhi from Shree Goloka Dhaam.

And very soon, an entire grove of similar trees grew around Them. They were surrounded by all different kinds of Tulsi plants from all sides.

"Yes Radha, Our Tulsi, Our Vrinda! And this sacred grove shall be known as Shree Vrindavan. It's a manifestation of Our Goloka on this Earth."

One of the leaves bowed down and touched Their Lotus Feet. Krishna acknowledged the act of reverence. With the gentle touch of His magic, the plant transformed into a beautiful maiden.

All the other trees followed suit and turned into beautiful, divine maidens. They were so splendorous that anyone could tell that They didn't belong to this mortal planet, but were from another inconceivable dimension.

Krishna saw the perplexed emotion on Her face. "Radha, these are Our Gopis from Goloka. And now, They shall join Us in celebration and dance. Dance is an expression of love, and when Love joins two souls as one, it is called Raas. Raas is the divine transcendental dance, which grants enjoyment to the one dancing and also the one who is observing the dance."

Radha welcomed all Her friends from Goloka with a warm smile. She immediately recognised Them as She hugged Them and embraced Them. She remembered Their time spent together at Goloka. They were indeed Her own divine expansions.

When Raas, the enchanting dance, combines with Krishna's Leela, the divine play, it's called the Raas Leela.

As They danced, there was no difference between Krishna and the Gopis. It seemed like They all were one magnificent, beautiful necklace, where Krishna was the sapphire crystal pendant at the centre and the Gopis were the pearls around. Krishna was the thread which joined all the jewels together.

Radha was the Supreme Gopi, dancing next to Krishna, as the other Gopis encircled Them. But when one would observe closely, They could see that all the other Gopis looked exactly like Radha. There was no difference, they were all one. There is no difference between love, and it cannot be measured. It is always infinite and grand in all its forms.

Krishna seemed to dance with all the Gopis. He had expanded Himself into multiple forms and He danced simultaneously with each one. He gave Them all time and attention, and above all, love and respect.

They shared His love and yet didn't feel any deficit. Love grows through sharing. When you take out one drop from the ocean, the level of water doesn't decrease. And Krishna was the Ocean of Love.

The Tulsi plants of the Vrindavan grove transformed into beautiful Gopis every night and Their Raas continued under the magical moonlight.

Just like Krishna had prophesied, the entire of Goloka had already manifested on the Earth at Their Vrindavan.

The skies, the earth, the rivers, the plants and fauna, everyone was grateful and happy to have RadheKrishna amongst Themselves. They were such blessed in Their previous lives that They got to witness Their Divine Play in person in this lifetime.

Everything was very unbelievable and magical at Vrindavan. The eternal place of Leelas and Raas. Where only love overflowed and everything and everyone was blissful.

It was above all, Krishna's Vrindavan.

।। राधे राधे ।।।। जय श्री राधेकृष्ण ।।

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।। राधे राधे ।।
।। जय श्री राधेकृष्ण ।।

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