Chapter 5: The Origin Of The Eleven Tribes

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Tenma's POV:

The next day...

I was at the plateau, gazing at the sky.

"Ohayo, Tenma," someone's greeted. It was Anjiru.

"Ohayo," I replied with my smile.

"You know. This is the place where we're celebrating my birthday. It was Endou-sonchou's idea," Anjiru said.

"Souka. What is your wish then?" I asked.

"I hope my wish would come true," Anjiru said in worried.

"What do you mean?" I asked in confused.

"My wish was that The Tempest would be return after the decades," Anjiru said.

"The Tempest?" I got wondered. "What was that?"

"Long time ago, The Tempest was created by the four guardians. He was the true protector of Inazumalia and the person behind the truce of the eleven tribes. He married a woman from Raimon Tribe whom was gifted by the guardians as his bride. Until one day..." Anjiru explained. "A century ago, The Previous Tempest was missing and the rift between the eleven tribes has begun. That's why all I ever wanted is peace."

"Souka," I said as I froze in shocked.

"And there's one more thing I had to tell." Anjiru was about to explain an another legend. "Before the eleven tribes and The First Tempest were created, there is the one and only ancient kingdom. Ruled by the wise king who be loved by all. He has a dozen children. Twelve children. One day, the king grew old and he decided to divided the entire kingdom and inheritance among all of his children. But, the eldest child wanted to rule the entire kingdom all by himself. Because of this, they started a violent war and chaos. And the only kingdom has fallen in ruin."

"That was terrible," I got terrified. "But anyway, every legends are lessons," I added as I calmed down.

"That's right," Anjiru said.

At the same time, I felt something in my head, clutching it.

"Tenma? Are you alright?" Anjiru was worried. But, I didn't replied, but I groaned in pain. I fell on the ground and when was about to close my eyes, "HELP!" she shouted in worried. That's when I closed my eyes. I fell asleep.

































Tempest Ascending: The Legend of the Inazumalia (Inazuma Eleven Go FanFic) Where stories live. Discover now