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Kaiyah POV: 

I had two hours before I had to pick up Damir and Asia had just called to meet for drinks. 

I parked my car and headed in to meet Asia 

Kaiyah: Hey Bestie 

Asia: *Stands up and hugs her*  Hey girl

Kaiyah: Let me get a drink and we can talk before I got to get your God baby 

Asia: *Kaiyah comes back with her drink* To good friends and finding out niggas been on bullshit 

Kaiyah: *Toasts with Asia* Girl I don't know what I'm going to do! You know I called that motherfucker and he said he was filling out paperwork after a traffic stop when I already called the station and they said he called off for a "Family Emergency" 

Asia: I know you fucking lying. I know you gave it to him 

Kaiyah: *Looks away* Yeah 

Asia: Kaiyah please tell me you gave it to his dusty ass 

Kaiyah: I didn't, this is too much! Like she said she's been with him for six years that means my whole little family was built on a lie. That means even when we met he was with her and some things are all starting to make sense. Like why I could never go to his house before we moved in together 

Asia: It is a lot. I mean after a while you know I stopped liking him cause I felt like he was never fully present with you. 

Kaiyah: Yeah especially after Mir was born, he claimed he was picking up extra shifts so we would have extra money since I was off 

Asia: So what are you gonna do when we leave here? You going to talk to him or what? Cause you don't deserve to go through this bullshit 

Kaiyah: I'm going to get my son and then I'm going home. What am I supposed to do? I don't want to mess up his routine. 

Asia: I know, but you got to find out if the girl is lying or not. You know what? We about to call her and see what she got to say 

Calling the number that Sarai text me from 

Ring , ring, ring 

Keontae: Hello 

Kaiyah: *Hangs up the phone* Did this nigga really just answer her phone 

Asia: I must be dreaming, this can't be real 

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