This Changes Things

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Kaiyah POV: 

It's been a month of Keontae staying with Sarai, we've got a little schedule of him spending time with Mir. Things have been going really great with that. I'm not going to lie sometimes I miss Keontae but I'm not putting up with his lying ass. 

Asia: Kaiyah you sure you're good? 

Kaiyah hasn't left her house in a week except for to do things for Damir, she has been calling out of work as well. Kaiyah has been sick so Mir is with Keontae for the day

Kaiyah: Yeah I'm good, you know Mir had caught that stomach bug at school and now he must have given it to me 

Asia: You sure its a bug? Please tell me you aint pregnant 

Kaiyah: I don't think I am, it's just the bug that stink had 

Asia: Alright, whatever you say. I'll be by later to check on you. 

Kaiyah got to thinking, I know I haven't been with Keontae in a month but what if I am pregnant. That'll change a lot between them. Kaiyah text Asia and told her to bring tests when she comes over. 


Kaiyah was in the bathroom with her head in the toilet when Asia walked in 

Asia: Yeah when you're done I'm going to need for you to take these. 

Kaiyah: Can you go check my phone, Keontae should be bringing Mir home soon 

Asia went to check the phone and Kaiyah peed on the tests she took four just to be sure the results was accurate. When Asia came back in the bathroom and Kaiyah was standing over the sink crying 

Asia: Bestie, what's wrong? Please tell me you're not?

Kaiyah *Rolls her eyes* Asia this is not the time for the bullshit. Obviously if I'm crying you know what these test say. 

Asia: My bad girl, well even though you probably aren't happy congratulations

Kaiyah: Thanks *She smiles* 

The garage door opens, so I know its Keontae bringing Mir home. 

Kaiyah: Oh shit! Can you go meet him downstairs I don't want him coming up here 

Asia: Yeah I got you 

Asia goes and meets Keontae and Damir downstairs.

Damir: TT Hi *He says smiling* 

Keontae: Sup Asia, where's Kai

Asia: She's upstairs, she don't feel good. I'll tell her to call you later 

Keontae: Alright *Hugs Mir* Daddy will see you later lil man 

Asia goes upstairs and tells Kaiyah she is going to take Mir for her for the night 

Kaiyah: Alright thanks, come here baby. *Hugs Damir* Mommy loves you Ill see you later be good for your God mom okay. Asia I'll call you later I'm going to try to go to sleep this definitely is going to keep me up all night. I got to figure out what I'm doing and how to talk to Ke 

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