You fucked with the wrong ones

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Keontae and Kaiyah POV: 

"You aint gotta worry about calling nobody Keontae. Go ger Heiress out the car I got her" Sarai came out of no where she was pissed. Kaiyah got Damir out of his carseat and Keontae went to get Heiress out of Sarai car.

Asia: Bitch! How you going to let me be your friend and I even took you to the hospital when you was scared to call Keontae when you went into labor, because you thought Kaiyah wouldnt allow him to come

Sarai: You showed your true colors you just called me and said you was coming over here to get at Kaiyah and I wasn't about to let her be touched. *Throws a punch* 

Kaiyah: Sarai wait! let us get the kids in the house. I don't want Mir to see this. 

Sarai: *Steps away and waits for Keontae to get the kids in the house* Alright the kids gone now I'm not sparing shit. Bring your ass here Asia. 

The two fight Sarai was going for blood as she yelled with each punch. 

Sarai: You thought playing both sides was cute, you want to threaten my child's father, and stepmother when I'm done, you'll be begging for mercy *She yells* 

Kaiyah: Sarai, can I please get one hit in?  I just want one hit. 

Sarai: *Sat on top of Asia* Come on you get a couple hits.

Kaiyah punched Asia a couple times, until she heard Asia nose break. 

Sarai: Kaiyah go in the house, ill clean this trash up and I'll be in to get Heiress. 

Kaiyah did as she was asked and at the moment her adrenaline was so high, she was pacing back and forth 

Keontae: Kaiyah you okay? 

Kaiyah continues to pace the floor and didnt hear Keontae talking to her. Sarai comes in 

Sarai: Shes gone, I told her to get in the car and if this comes back to any of us she will have another ass whopping waiting for her when we see her 

Kaiyah: I cant believe this bitch 

Keontae: Kai calm down, shes gone and its handled. The last thing we need is for you to go into labor right now 

Kaiyah: Youre right *she sits on the couch and sees Heiress in her carseat smiling at her* Hey lil mamas 

Sarai and Keontae come and sit on the couch as well and the three talk for a while about all the fucked up shit Asia has done to both of the women 

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