Get my lick back

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Kaiyah POV:

Its the middle of the night and Ive been tossing and turning thinking about my baby. I decided to call Keontae and tell him we need to talk

Calling Mir's Daddy:

Keontae: Hello *he answers*

Kaiyah: Hey, its me

Keontae: What's up? Mir okay?

Kaiyah: Yeah he's fine

Keontae: Okay, are you okay? Asia said you wasn't feeling good

Kaiyah: *Holding back her tears* Yeah ill be alright but we need to set something up. I think I want to do dinner with you and Sarai since she wanted us to come together for the kids

Keontae: Alright, I'll talk to her and get back with you. You sure you're okay though? I can come to you if you need me to

Kaiyah: Yeah im sure but I got to go. Tell me what Sarai says


I can't believe I called him, but I'm gonna show her she aint really got who she thinks she got because aint no way that he said he was gonna come to me in the middle of the night. I honestly don't think he truly wants to be with her.

Keontae POV:

Kai had just called me and I was wondering why all the sudden she has a change of heart and wants to meet with Sarai but I'm about to talk to Rai and make sure its still something she wants to do. It would be great if both of my childrens mothers could be cool with each other.

Its morning and Sarai and I are laying in the bed

Keontae: *Rubbing on Sarai belly* Hey, so Kaiyah called last night and said she wants to have dinner and talk about the kids

Sarai: *Rolls eyes* Oh now she wants to talk after she thought it was okay to put her hands on me

Keontae: Yeah I know but I think we should do it. Maybe she's really got a change of heart

Sarai: Okay well find out when she's free you know I'm always available cause thanks to you I get to be a stay at home wifey.

Keontae: Alright bet

I called Kaiyah and we set up to have dinner on Friday. Im really hoping this isn't no bullshit and that she really trying to be an adult about this shit.


Kaiyah POV:

So dinner is set up and its perfect. I got to find a way to come up with a way to tell them about the baby. Since I work at the hospital its easy to get an appointment. I made a appointment to confirm that I was indeed pregnant so I could use that as a way to hurt Sarai.

Kaiyah on the phone with her sister Jozalynn

Kaiyah: Hey sis, we got so much to catch up on but you can't tell mommy this stays between you and I for now

Jozalynn: Okay, what's up

Kaiyah: *Tells her all the tea* I got to come up with a plan though. I have the ultrasound I was thinking I go to the dinner and bring gifts. I can go to the store and get a onesie for the baby that says promoted to big sister or something like that I know its a girl so I could give that to the bitch and then put the ultrasound and my pregnancy tests in a box with a onesie that says I love daddy for Keontae

Jozalynn: That's actually a good idea. But you aint gotta worry I'm not finna say shit to mommy. That's not my business to tell but let me know how it goes.

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