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“ What do you mean you buried her a week ago? Tumelo, how evil could your people be?”. It's funny how people just suddenly die,it's funny how all death does is take ,take and take from people and it's funny how no one ever gets used to death.

“Ngiyacolisa sisi.”, that answer is not good enough. How dare they bury her best friend without her !She wasn't supposed to die,not like this and it is his fault. He was supposed to protect her .Buhle was her  best friend of ten years  and he says he's sorry ? Bullishit! He was to let her know . Yes ,they weren't on good terms but Buhle was her world and Tumelo knows that! She feels betrayed.

She turns to leave. “ Nomzamo ,ngyacolisa, please hear me out!”, Tumelo shouts and tries running after her but Nomzamo hurries out of the complex, tears prickling her eyes but she won't let them fall. She reaches her car and that is when she finally let's it all out. The grief. The pain. The anger! She sits on the pavement flat on her butt next to her car . This life thing isn't fair,she thinks to herself. Why was God punishing her like this? She lost her mother before she could even utter the word mama ,lost her grandmother whom she regarded as her mother since she was an orphan and now he dares to take her best friend from her?- It's evident, the guy up above has favorites.

“Are you okay Ms ”, Nomzamo looks up to find a man looking at her with concern all over his face. She brings up her arm to wipe her tears and snot with her sleeve . The man smiles a little thinking how cute and  very unladylike that is but he's not judging though, she's hurting.
“I'm fine.”, she gets up from the pavement and fiddles in her black clutch bag looking for her keys, not  looking at the man. She hopes he leaves already so she can cry some more in peace. “Can you even drive at this state? May I drive you home, I can't let you drive like this.” , this man is irritating her . Why can't he just disappear? , “ Sir! I said I'm fine, now please leave me alone!”, she tries shouting but her voice fails her . She starts all over again, crying histerically . The stranger envelopes her in a hug and she lets him. His embrace feels like peace in the midst of war. She lets his warmth egnite her insides, propelling her to cry some more until her chest hurts.


Tumelo's two aunts , Hlanganani and Khethiwe are whispering to themselves. Hlanganani's uneasiness shows from the wrinkles on her forehead and her eyes keep darting towards the bedroom door as if she's expecting someone to walk on them and disrupt their secret discussion.  “Hay man,Hlanganani,focus!” , Khethiwe's forehead creases , Hlanganani's fidgeting is now annoying her . She shouldn't have gotten her in this, knowing very well that her sister can't handle this. “ Ngiyaxolisa sisi kodwa this is making me uneasy, what if we get caught? What will our brother say?” , “WeHlanganani, we will take this to the grave ,uyangizwa? Now stop acting guilty,man!” oh but we are dear sister, Hlanganani thought to herself.

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