Chapter 1

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After crying her lungs out in the stranger's arms he took her home using her car . The ride to her apartment was calm, with soothing smooth African jazz playing in the background. “Here we go.”, the man said switching off the ignition of the black range rover evoque. Nomzamo has a thing for big cars , but don't  all elegant women do? He went to Nomzamo's side and opened the door for her. Chilvary was never dead. She gracefully took her hand in his when he offered it . There it was again. That warm ,mushy feeling. There was something so electrifying about this man's touch and she wasn't gonna stick around to explore, she was grieving for goodness sake.
“Thank you.”, she said to him as they walked to her front door. “ No pressure.”, indeed it wasn't. He'd do it all over again , he would gladly hold her even if the world was coming to an end.
“How are you going to get home?”. “ I'll take an Uber ,don't worry about it Ms.”

She was now finally alone with her thoughts but she just feels empty. She remembers how much she wanted to be alone after Tumelo broke the news of Buhle's burial to her,she wanted to be alone so she could cry her lungs out but that's not happening now. She just feels empty. She thinks of how she was vulnerable in front of a man - no ,scratch that, in the arms of a man she'd just met and still doesn't know the name of. She thinks of his electrifying touch and how his warm breath felt on her ear when he whispered that it's going to be alright. Was it? Was it really going to be alright now that she's left alone in this world and the only people she loved dearly in this life time left her alone in this cruel dark world. 


Tumelo walks in the kitchen to his aunts Hlanganani and Khethiwe having a conversation but as soon as they saw him they stopped. Aunt Hlanganani was suddenly jumpy nowadays, she probably still has that image of Buhle's lifeless body laying on the pavement with blood gushing out of her broken bones. That's what Tumelo thinks. He better talk to his father about this so they could get his aunt a psychologist.

“Hey, you're back ndodana.”, Khethiwe says smiling at him. He smiles back and goes to the fridge to pour himself some water. “Ee mme, I had a meeting with Nomzamo and she was not at all pleased with what we did and I understand her anger, we should've atleast let her know.”,  Khethiwe frowns and her eyesbrows crease . She has never liked that Nomzamo girl.
She knew their daughter inside out and she would have caused drama or even busted them. That's how snoopy that girl is.

“It was not her place to know, she's not family mos ,we did nothing wrong by not telling her.” , Hlanganani looked at her sister and then at Tumelo's reaction to this.

“But mah,she was Buhle's best friend and father took her as his own daughter.” , Tumelo can't believe his ears. Everyone in this house know who Nomzamo is and they know what she meant to Buhle's life. She was more important to her than any of them combined. He doesn't get why his father agreed to aunt Khethiwe's idea of not calling Nomzamo to let her know. If he didn't know better he'd say he is bewitched.

“Anyways where is father?”, Tumelo asked before gulping down the last contents of water from the transparent bottle.  “ You know how your father has been lately , he went to church.” , Tumelo just nods and leaves the two women in the kitchen.

Their father is a pastor. Many people, Khethiwe included don't get why he never remarried after the loss of ma Mokoena .  Kethiwe was so adamant to prove that " that Tswana woman" as she referred to Tumelo's mother , was bewitching their older brother  because there was no way a Zulu man can love a woman like that. Not even a love struck puppy would love another like how Pastor Khoza loved his wife. 

“Hayi kodwa sisi, what will the people say? We haven't shown our faces at church since Buhle's burial.”,  “You can go ahead and show your face weHlanganani kodwa mina I'm gone ngegamalami as soon as that girl's lawyer contacts the family.” Hlanganani looks at her sister, she is pure evil, she  is starting to wonder if they shared the same womb . “Yini wang'buka ? I have a home and children waiting for me in it.”  Hlanganani says nothing and sips on her hot tea.

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