chapter 4.

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It has been a long and productive day.
The meeting with Zimele Trust took longer that I intended it to take .
It's getting a little chilly outside and this apartment can get really cold , I have to buy a heater.
My phone rings just when I'm about to get under the covers.
“Hey ... ngwana, can we please meet ? I know the last time we talked was rather unpleasant and I'd like us to start on a clean slate. For Buhle's sake.”, he says.
“ I don't know , I'll think about it .”
“Please do but don't feel like I'm forcing you or anything I just want us to be close again , it's really not the same in the house without you and Buhle.” , he says.
Tumelo is now pushing it.
I don't get why he wants me there now after they buried Buhle and not bothered telling me.
“ I'll think about it Tumelo.”, I say.
“Okay then ,thank you Noni.”, he says.
“Noni”, he says.
“ I'm sorry for not telling you about Buhle's funeral. I wish I can turn back the hands of time but that's way above me. I want to show you how sorry I am .” , Tumelo says.
“ You've betrayed me,you and baba have betrayed me.”


“ You've betrayed me,you and baba have betrayed me.”, she says.
I suck my teeth and sigh.
“I know and I'll keep apologising and try making up to you until you forgive us ngwana.”
“Goodbye Tumelo.”, she hangs up.
I look at the blank screen and swallow the lump in  my throat.
We've messed up big time and I can not see us recovering from this one.
My father places bag on the kitchen counter and looks at me.
“She still won't allow us in?”, he asks.
“Cha baba(no father), we both know gorre Noni is not the forgiving type. Even if she does forgive us , it'll take some time to fully gain her trust again.”
“Eish, angaz ukuthi sokwenze njani ke makunje. Liphutha lami lonke leli,I don't even know what came over me ndodana.( I don't know what we're gonna do now, this is all my fault.)”, my father says and looks down.
“ Don't blame yourself baba, I also should've known better as her big brother.” 
Dad nods his head and takes his bag from the counter.
“ I'll be in my room” , he says leaving and I nod.
Truthfully speaking, this would have been avoided if aunt Khethiwe hadn't told baba to not let Nomzamo come to the funeral.  


We're seated at the dining table eating in silence with just the cutlery clicking.

Dad puts down his fork and knife and swallows.
“ Manje you won't tell me what's bothering you that you had to leave your own house with your kids in it during the week just for a visit?”, baba asks aunt Khethiwe
I look at dad and then at my aunt.
“Habe bhuti, you're making it seem like visiting my dear brother is a bad thing.”, she says clutching to her chest dramatically.
That's how much of a drama queen aunt Khethiwe is.
“Considering that you were so eager to leave after Buhle's burial ”, dad says. 

“ Hayi mina ngyahamba, iingane zam zisale zodwa bafo , hay angeke phela (I'm leaving,my children are left alone brother , it can't be)”, dad says mimicking her voice.
We burst out of laughter.
“I don't sound like that bhuti!” she laughs.
“But seriously though sisi, you can talk to me.” , dad says.
“Ngyazi bhuti(I know brother.” , she says. 

Looking at them just makes me miss my sister. My father makes sure to let his sisters know that he's there for them even when they're old and have their own houses and kids. This is the kind of bond I used to have with Buhle and to think that I'll never see her again.

“Excuse me.”, I say.
I get up from the table.
“Are you okay son?”, dad asks.
“Yebo baba (yes father), I just need to lay my head down for a while.”
I head to my room . I sit on the bed and unlock my phone.
“Noni” flashes on my phone and I'm contemplating whether to call her .

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