Chapter 3

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She's coming to terms with Buhle's passing and is still taking it one step at a time. Today is her first day at work after her very much needed leave.
She walks inside the building to the receptionist.

“Good morning Zee , is Leroy in yet?”, Nomzamo asks the red-headed lady .
“ welcome back Ms Mbatha , you know how that one is , he's probably stuck in traffic.”, she says the last part while doing a quotation mark gesture with her hands and rolling her big beautiful eyes.
She laughs. She hasn't laughed in a while and it feels good to be back to her normal routine. 
“ of course he is.” , she says smiling and shashays her ass to the elevator. She hits the floor where her office is.
“ It's nice to have you back MaMbatha”, a voice says.
Good lord!Just when she was thankful to be back to her old life.
“Ngingakunceda Sandile?(can I help you)” , she turns to look at him .
“You can help me by agreeing to my proposal, ngiqome Nomzamo ( be my girlfriend)” , Sandile says.
Nomzamo chuckles.
“ how many times do I have to tell you that I don't want you , get it into your thick skull Sandile, a-ngi-ku-fu-ni. ( I do not want you)” , her heels make clicking sound on the floor as she leaves Sandile standing there . 

Sandile just can't seem to get it and if he continues with this she'll be forced to report him for harassment. He's just that one guy that keeps bugging you in your workplace,that one pest that thinks you can be work-husband and wife.  

She gets to her office and sits. She now has to wait for the forever late Leroy so her day can actually start.

“Doll, sorry I'm late , traffic.”, Leroy says.
He puts his bags on Nomzamo's desk and she just watches him. 
“ Konje why haven't I fired you ? You're always late Leroy ”, Nomzamo says.
“Ngyaxolisa doll( I'm sorry )  but you know how busy Joburg gets on weekdays ,it's not really my fault”, Leroy says taking out his iPad.
Nomzamo rolls her eyes.
“ you're lucky that I like you .”, she mumbles.
“ Okay so you have a meeting with a Mr Zidane , remember the  deal you pulled out of with Zidane Attorneys?yes ke dzoll , meeting at ten.” , Leroy says.
“ Didn't Sandile take that deal?” , She asks shocked.
“The big boss trusts you with it , apparently the Zidane's are important people and you know how Sandile is always slacking on the job , I'm surprised he isn't fired by now.”
Leroy takes his bags from the desk and walks to his.
“Clearly this company has a thing of hiring incomplete people.”, Nomzamo whispers
“Hey I heard that wena sphongo sakho!” , He says and they laugh.
“You also have a zoom meeting with the Zimele Trust people at twelve .”
“Yho,take me lord!”, Nomzamo says.
Leroy chuckles.
“ You clearly don't know how hard being an assistant is , I'm just lucky you're not that nagging, cabanga nje if I had Mr Weza as my boss yho!”, Leroy says and Nomzamo laughs.
Mr Weza is the epitome of workaholic.
“true that”, Nomzamo says.
“Lets get to work ke dzoll.” he says.





“Ms Mbatha,you're needed in the boardroom.”, Zee says from the other line.
“ I'll be right there Zee,thanks”, Nomzamo says.
She cuts the line and looks at Leroy.
“All the paperwork is there and your notes are prepared just in case.”, Leroy says .
“Asambe ke (let's go)”, says Nomzamo.
Nomzamo heads to the boardroom with Leroy following her.
They enter to find a gentleman and a lady sitting there.
“You must be Mr Zidane”, Nomzamo says.
She holds out her hand for a handshake and Mr Zidane takes it.
“Pleasure meeting you Ms Mbatha, now I can finally put a face to the ‘pull-outer’ name”, he says .
He laughs and Nomzamo joins him.
At first she didn't get the joke and to be honest,she'd be offended if it wasn't for his friendly face.
“ My apologies, I had personal issues to attend to.”
“There's no need to explain yourself Ms , I totally get it .”, he says.
They take their seats .
“You already know how I want the office to look like so there isn't much to talk about other than the paperwork.”, Zidane says .
Nomzamo nods her head and the assistant lady hands her an envelope.
She takes it and puts it on the table.
“ We'll discuss the payments in our next meeting I believe?”, Zidane says.
“Yes sir, it is a pleasure doing business with you.”, she says.
Zidane gets up from the chair and they shake hands again.

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