Chapter 2

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At Zidane Attorneys,Qamata is sitting in his office. His mind keeps drifting to the stranger he held in his arms and drove home without even knowing her name two months ago.

“Webafo, If you don't want me here yisho phela ngihambe.”, His brother,Gatsha says looking at him. “What's going on with you? ”
“Ngyaxolisa bafo, it's just that I keep thinking about her.” , Qamata says. His brother chuckles a bit before responding to him. “ If you want me to find her just say the words .”, Qamata just shakes his head and loosens his tie. If they are meant to be then they'll find their way to each other ,right? The old him would be forcing matters and going to her apartment just to see her but that's not who he is anymore, he's changed now.

AT KHETHIWE'S HOUSE. Hlanganani just had to see her sister after the news she's just heard.

“Yey uyislima! Uyisilima ngane ka baba!how in the hell did you just waste one million nje kanjalo? Uthi ...yeses Khethiwe!”, Hlanganani is fuming red. Her arms held up over her head.
“I had to pay people, do you think these people would demand little money? That girl was swimming in money phela and Steinberg knew that! angsiyona ingane mina weHlanganani!” , Khethiwe fires back and Hlanganani stops being mad and she lets out a soft “Oh” .
“You came all this way just to shout at me for that? Ucabanga ukuthi ngiyisilima ngaleyondlela wedade? I'm the one who came up with this plan ,you seem to forget that yimi ungqondo-ngqondo la.”, Hlanganani's eyes fall on the marble floor . But how was she to know the money was withdrawn for a good cause? Her sister can't control herself when it comes to money.

“Ngyaxolisa sisi.” “Manje uthi lo Steinberg?” , Hlanganani asks.
“ He won't say anything about the will . Now that's taken care of , I want to start up a business with this money.”
“Hawu? Aren't we going to share the money first?”
Khethiwe side eyes her sister , “We are . After we share the money I'll start up my business.” 


“I can't believe Buhle left all her assets to Aunt Khethiwe. Not even a single penny for Nomzamo? Hay is not make sure baba.” , Tumelo says to his father . This whole thing seems fishy to him.
“Angaz ndodana, she was close with her aunt before she died so I guess that's why.”, Bab'Khoza responds. He also doesn't understand why his daughter,Buhle didn't leave anything to her best friend but then again they weren't on speaking terms .
“Mhh, I have to get someone on this, this doesn't make any sense. ”
“Buhle knew what she was doing when she left everything to her aunt , let this be , let my child rest in peace and stop behaving like a detective.”
“I am a detective,dad.”, He smirks and his father eyes him before they both burst into a fit of laughter.
His father clears his throat .“ I'm seriously Tumelo,let this one go.”
“Fine , I'll let it go. ”, Tumelo's left eye twitches and his father notices and he frowns.
“Boy, did you just lie to me?”
“No baba”, his eye twitches again, “I mean yes baba, I'm sorry but I can't let this go.” , my God this boy!his father thinks to himself. “Fine, but if you don't find something you'll go to church with me.”
“Hawu! Hay angeke!”, Tumelo cries and his dad chuckles.

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