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(Y/n)'s POV-

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(Y/n)'s POV-

We ended up staying on the boat for a few hours. I went to the resort and checked in. When I got back Chris was being yelled at by everyone. "If you have a problem with her choices maybe you should move along and come to your fucking senses." Changbin was in Chris's face and everything. "I'm over this Chris! We all are." Sun hee managed to get changbin away from him.

"Binnie, honey please we don't need another fight." Sun Hee and I made eye contact. "You and Kai can go he is patched up." All eyes shifted to me. Disappointment and anger is all you can see on my face. Running up to the boat Ten snarled towards me. "Maybe next time keep your dog on a leash and settle problems instead of walking away."

I made a bee line towards the asshole. "Hey Ten!" Turning back around to face me I gave him my best right hook. "Fuck you." I just walked away. It's not my fault a man can't control his feelings and what he wants. Walking back into Kai's room I heard talking. It seems Baeki was comforting him.

"Just go and enjoy ok? Both of you need a break. Changbin said that it would be best if we headed back after you guys get back." Walking into the room Kai jumped up. "You ok? You seem pissed off." Baekhyun saw my hand all red.

"Did you punch something?" Kai grabbed my hand softly massaging it. "Just Ten." The two of them laughed. "It was bound to happen, I told him to watch his mouth. Last time I got punched by you was when I scared you in the haunted house three years ago....still feeling the aftermath." Baekhyun rubbed the left side of his jaw.

"Well everything is in our room, we should go before I punch someone else." Kissing her head and wrapping his arm around her they were off. "Have fun guys." Mei Sun wiggled her eyebrows at her sister. "Please ... stop."

Finally arriving at the beautiful resort I got the itch to get caffeine. "I'll be back ok? I'm going back to get coffee." Kai nodded and plopped on the bed. Night fell once I arrived. Sitting outside the Cafe waiting to see if Hyun Woo will show but I guess not. Someone on a bike threw a box. "What the hell?!"

Looking down it was a small to medium size box with my name on it. "What is this supposed to be?" Pulling out my bat switchblade I delicately opened up the box. Opening it was papers, but not just any papers.
Arranged marriage papers

It seemed like they were made when I turned 13. It was a contracted marriage between the Choi family and ours. "We don't know anyone with the last name being Choi." With those papers was a file that had everything on me from when I was a child till now. One thing that stood out was the photo taken on me and Hyun woo cuddled up on the couch....AT OUR OLD APARTMENT BEFORE.....before we made love for the first time. Fear was starting to consume me. Before I closed the box up I saw a letter.

"This is...Hyun Woo's handwriting."

Dear (y/n),

If you are reading this then that means you didn't die. I've been looking for you for years. Something isn't right and I think I know why. I have a lot to say to you and I hope you can find me. Use this number for the time being. No one will know except you. I miss you terribly and I can't wait to see you and those beautiful chocolate eyes. Know that I love you and that I will never stop looking for you...please don't forget about me princess it would destroy me.

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