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The landing was a bit rough. Me and Mei Sun had to duck tape our father down so he wouldn't lose his shit on the pilot. Walking down the stairs towards the car I was feeling pain and feeling faint.

"Whoa whoa take it easy. Once we get to the hotel you are going straight to bed." Chris kept his hand on my back. Once we all piled into our cars Chris made sure to keep his grip on me. From my back to my thigh with a squeeze here and there.

"Darling you are starting to worry again." Placing my hand on his."I know but we can't trust anyone and you are pregnant so I need to be worried." I giggled. "I believe once we get to the house we will all eat then I have an announcement."

He gave me a look as if he was suspecting something crazy. "Don't worry my love." Smiling at his sweet face I kissed his cheek. The ride to the private home the company set for me was very peaceful. "Since the conference isn't that long the big man himself gave everyone two weeks off and we get to stay in the private home for the whole thing."

"Really? Well that was sweet of a man that barely smiles." I light hit his shoulder. "Chris!" He laughed. "What it's true!" Cuddled up peacefully talking and it felt like it was only us in this crazy world.

Arriving at the beautiful home Mei Sun helped me into the house while the guys took care of the luggage. "How are you feeling? You look tired, are you sure you want to go out tonight?" Mei Sun got me a glass of water. "I could stay I do need to work on my speech but knowing Chris he would want someone here with me and the only security we have is a 4 man group and a gate."

"I know but you shouldn't be pushing yourself." Soon the house boomed with roars of everyone bickering on who gets what room. Chris claimed the masters while everyone was occupied. "Guys come on we will be late for dinner so just pick a room!" We continued on about which Spa we should visit till I felt a kiss on my cheek.

"You ready?" His voice was soft and soothing gosh it was music to my ears. I love when we get to go on trips together.

"Um I think I'll join you all later I need to report to the Cheif that we arrived safely then have a zoom meeting with a few of the board of directors that are hosting all of this and then work on my speech."

The look this man gave me. "UH no get your ass in the car your Cheif can speak with me directly, you are not gonna be here alone and you are not skipping a meal."

Looking back at Mei Sun "See told you." We just giggled while he looked confused. "What?" Brushing him off with a laugh. "Nothing love let's get going."

Arriving at this beautiful restaurant decked out in beautiful colorful mosaics and crystal chandeliers I realized why I was told to come to dinner already in pretty much work clothes and for my guests to do the same. "Master Cheif! I didn't know this dinner was for the group!"

"Yes my apologies but we set an area for your family at my table please join us plus Lynn is just dying to see you again." His laugh ripped through the Suttle silence. Dinner was quiet and sweet. My family along with Stray Kids got acquainted better with my boss and realized that he wasn't the stone evil killer everyone talked about.

"So (y/n) are you ready to speak on behalf of the company?" The table went silent. "Yes, I believe this could bring in more shares and of course new recruits but....I can't really say how big this will take off in the future." Curiosity soon filled the table. "What do you mean?"

"I plan on stepping down of Captain of the recruiting committee." The Cheif was speechless. "What? Really?"

"Darling is that really what you want? You worked hard for all of it. Y-your not doing this because I was upset that you were still working instead of taking it easy are you?" Chris placed his hand on mine. "No I was thinking about our little family and how we will be busy."

Mrs. Lynn patted my shoulder. "Sweetheart you don't have to quit your job. I've already made arrangements to let you come in whenever you feel like it and I appointed Shownu to be your right hand when you can't make it in. Your team is willing to help out like they already are. They seem to really care for their Captain."

"Darling we are going to be fine. We will figure it out but right now just take each day the way it is. You can't keep jumping 5 days ahead when you aren't even half way through today. My love you have me and well your whole family and mine, we are not alone." I started crying.

"Ooooh boy here we go." Mei Sun pulled tissues out of her bag. "Miss ma'am this is the 5th time in the last three hours...we are running out of tissues, makeup and waterbottles."

"Yeah yeah fuck you." The rest of dinner was me walking around talking to a few members and thanking my team properly. I soon started to feel tired and dizzy. "Ma'am I think we should get you back to the Chief's table. "No no I'm fine I'm fine."

Wonho refused and picked me up bridal style. "What's going on?" Seungmin stood up. "She looked tired then I guess she got dizzy." Seungmin started to look me over. "She just needs to rest, we should call it a night."

"Yeah we should." Chris thanked wonho and helped out towards the cars. The drive was Suttle and nice. Chris hummed a small tune and played with my hair. "Are you sure you want to step down?" Does he really not want me to quit?

"Well...I just don't want to seem like I'm gone all the time but if what Mrs . Lynn said was true ill work out the schedule. "He smiled at me. "Plus it's kinda sexy seeing you in your uniform with messy hair."

"So when I come home stressed."

"Yeah, it means I can stop doing my work and attend to you. I means I get to pamper you more than what I already do now. If I have to I'll have the guys cover and take you on a small trip even if it means to go out and get bubble tea."

" do that everyday even before I got pregnant. If you want to pamper me or just have moments like this right now then you need to find a start and stopping point so we could have those moment. Changbin and Han do it along with the others."

He sat and thought about it. Taking my hand in his and giving it a light kiss he nodded his head. "You know're right and since our little ray of sunshine will be coming into the world soon I got to start making time for just us."

Finally arriving back to the house we all just walk and head to our rooms. Tomorrow was going to be busy busy busy. I hope I can do this speech and I hope this all goes well to not only get more sponsors but new recruits.

"Would you like a quick cup of tea before bed or do you just want to go to bed?" Sitting on the bed taking my hair down. "Let's just get some sleep my love." Crawling into bed fixing my special soft pillow and of course my dangerous cuddle buddy the rest of the night was set.

"Good night Mon Chaton."

"Good night my prince of darkness." A quick kiss to end the night.


A/N: HELLOOOOO Thank you guys for getting this far in the book. I just want to let everyone know this book is finally coming to an end. Thank you guys for sticking with me and thank you for reading!


Happy Birthday to the best leader of SKZ . . . . BANGCHAN!!!!

Again thank you everyone for reading and for coming along in this journey! See you in my other book Catching My Stardust!

Until next time BYEEEEEEE

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