Chapter 14 - Part 1: Hope

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Zamaton Colony 
Anonymous path - 18:30

Myrellie, Lily and Myra's POV

The path Rhys is taking them through turns into the backyard of a house, where a grated fence surrounds the perimeter of the forest adjacent to it. As they tread along it, multiple entries plunge into the darkness created by the wooden giants that loom above them. Rhys dives into one of them through a hole in the fence, which remains hidden underneath broken branches and fallen tree leaves.

The group of girls intrusively ponders if they'll have a chance to look around and explore, but the mission at hand is far more important than strolling through a Colony unknown to them. Additionally, that thought gets buried further by the skilled guards closely accompanying each of them, maybe too freaking close, and creating this enormous invisible pressure over the ladies.

As the chatter and clattering from the center of the Colony fade into the distance...

Rhys: "Blonde girl." She jolts, gently fixing the bag she's carrying underneath her armpit. "How did you come to know of the Sacred Armada, and by extension, The Old Order?"

She peers at Myrellie for permission to speak, which the woman grants with a soft nod.

Myra: "We uhh.... We went to a research facility before resuming our journey here. It extends 6 floors underneath the ground, each of them with documents regarding the experiments made there..." She pauses. "We think it belonged to The Old Order... since we found documents explaining the procedures to uncover the skeletal remains that match the height of the facility."

Rhys frowns.
"Skeletal remains of that height..." He hums in thought. "I have never seen or heard about anything of that nature. But as far as we know, The Order has a track record of researching peculiar things such as that. I came to learn of it through a trusty agent of mine."

Myra immediately remembers the hooded figure in the facility. Could she be the one he's talking about? She was about to kill them until Myra mentioned Zamaton, only seeking to obtain answers after the battle ensued. Is she a victim to The Order's extreme mutations? If so, why does Rhys have a connection with her? Or could it be that it was a simple natural occurance?? No way.. How would a person mutated to that level be sentient? Is that even possible?

Lily: "What's their obsession with researching monster? Why do they care so much about experimenting shit on people??"
Rhys: "Why shouldn't they?" He retorts. "It is their creation after all. They have the power to do so. What twisted mind would let something like this slip right through their fingers?"
Lily: "Seriously!? There are enough problems as is. People are dying all over the place and all they want to do is make weapons!? What a waste of resources."

Rhys: "I agree. Although, you mustn't forget girl.. These mutations, and the people harboring them, are the very reason we have been surviving these breaches."
Lily: "What do you mean?"
Rhys: "It should come as no surprise that the very nature of this virus causes the results of infection to be inconsistent. The best proof of this is the fact every infected individual reacts to it differently. Naturally, some individuals display higher resistance to it than others. Naturally, some exceptions and rare developments of the virus will trigger interesting or unexpected results. And naturally you will find that in certain situations, under certain circumstances, events that should be considered impossible become possible.

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