Chapter 7 - Sickness

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Night had soon fallen and we sat beside a small crackling fire and I shivered as the cold winter breeze blew over me. It be winter very soon probably is already. This is when I wish to be back in victors house. Zap stared at the squirrel which was being cooked over the fire. Clementine was asleep in the tent and I stared at the fire shaking. I was starving but I refused to eat anything he would give me.

" Who we're you with?" Zap asked looking over at me. I looked at the misunderstood man and began to think off Aurora and Lee.

" My sister and Clementines carer" I told Zap looking over at the forest below the clifface.

" I thought so, she looks like you" He told me.

" Yes, Many have said that" I replied keeping the conversation short.

He nodded and smiled at me. I did not grace him with my smile only a stray tear that had came out my eye. " You want to back don't you?" He said sighing.

"Please, I'll just tell them I got lost and Clementine ran off, Please, Please!" I begged him. He looked at me with disgust As if he couldn't believe I was pleading.

" Please! I have my sister and a boyfriend to look out for please!!!" I begged. Zap got up and pulled me into clementines tent by the hair then left me there. he zipped up the tenet from the outside so I could not escape.

I cried myself to sleep hoping clementine was sleeping too.


When I awoke the tent was open so I knew Zap was awake. I looked beside me and Clementine was still sleeping. Flash's of when I was kidnapped before came back. Flash's of Bree and chains and screams.

I shook my head knowing this wasn't as bad as before. I crawled out the tent and saw Zap standing looking out over the cliffside. I then felt sick which made remember about being pregnant and the morning sickness. I ran down to a tree and threw up beside it. Zap looked over at me and frowned. " Are you alright?" He asked me.

He knew I wouldn't run I knew I wouldn't leave clementine. " I'm fine" I told him walking back over to the tents but he grabbed my arm.

"Tell me the truth" Zap persisted. I knew there was no point on continuing to argue he would hurt clementine or me.

" Fine I'll tell you, I'm pregnant ok!" I yelled. He let go and let me got sit on the log beside the fire where Clementine was now sitting. I held her close to me. Zap then sat opposite me and I gripped tighter on clementine scared for her life.

The Walking Dead - The Final Hour *Co-written with SamCoates*Where stories live. Discover now