Chapter 17 - Safe

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I practically leapt out the chair when Aurora and Victor came back downstairs. " Rick wants us too go on a supply run" I told Aurora. Who glared at me and folded her arms.

" Well he wants you, Daryl and Carl to go on a supply run but please take me with you, I'm going mad in this house!" I begged.

" Robin, I don't want you getting hurt, Especially now" Aurora told me in her concerned voice. I knew what she meant though.

" I'll be extra careful I Promise" I said giving her a large grin.

" Fine but stay in my sight" Aurora ordered.

I smiled and jogged upstairs to get my bow. I opened the door to find Carl looking at a dusty old photograph in a frame. I glanced at the photograph It was Rick, Carl and another woman. His Mother maybe?

I decided not to question it. He deserved his privacy. " Were leaving" I told him going over and putting my bow and arrows on my back.

" Wait, Why are you going?" Carl asked tucking the photograph under his pillow then standing up and walking over too me.

" I'm going crazy here Carl, I need to go outside" I told him.

Carl looked at me with more concern than Aurora did before. " I- We will be fine" I told him smiling at his concern it was so cute.

Carl kissed my cheek then went downstairs soon followed by me and the group all met in the hallway beside the door. "Please don't go!" Lily screamed at Daryl hugging him. It was so adorable how she only had known him for about half a day and she was still begging him to stay.

" I will come back I promise, Carol will Take care of you" Daryl told her crouching down to her height.

" But, That's what Amber said and she didn't come back, She didn't come back" She kept repeating the last part. Tears then gushed out of her eyes and she was scooped into a hug by Daryl.

" I Promise, Ok?" Daryl said.

" Ok" Lilly replied. Daryl put her down and watched Lilly walk of and then joined us.


Walking down the road I realised how much I missed being outside. When I was 10 I did Girl scouts so I was outside a lot. I gazed upon the group and tried to decide who to talk too. I took the decision to talk to my Sister. " Hey Rora" I said slowly.

" Hey Robin, What's up?" Aurora replied.

" I was just thinking" I told Aurora who looked at her hand and at the beautiful ring Victor had given her.

" I'm Happy for you" I told her smiling.

" Thank you, I'm happy for you as well" She replied.

Aurora then spotted a Cabin in the woods. It was near the road but still very well hidden. We all checked through the windows to make sure there was no walkers or bandits. We then entered there was the foul stench of rotting flesh and Dead cat in the room which made me feel sick to my stomach. We had a quick look around and then turned our attention to the two other rooms Daryl and Carl went for one and Aurora and I went for the other.

Aurora slowly opened the door and entered. Her face was horrified. I didn't want to look in the room but I had too. I walked over and saw it. Curled up on the bed was a woman with her brains splattered across the pillow and she was holding a baby who's face was almost completely missing.

I knew I was going to be sick. " I-I-I have to go outside" I stuttered bolting out the door with my hand on my flat stomach and throwing up by a nearby tree. I stayed out there a couple of minutes terrified to go back in. Until I heard loud bangs. I ran to the back doors window an saw bandits. One had taken Carl hostage and the other had a gun pointed at his head by Aurora.

I drew my bow and put an arrow at the elastic. I then burst through the door my arrow pointed at the bandit that had Carl. " Let him go" I demanded I was absolutely furious. The Bandit grinned at me and didn't do as I say.

" Now!" I shouted. He didn't do it again so I checked my aim and fired the arrow. It went straight through his head. His friend panicked making Aurora fire. I ran to Carl wrapped my arms around his neck and hugged him close. " Thank God your ok!" I say almost crying.

" Let's just get what we need and leave walkers will be here any minute"


We wandered towards the entrance too the home we had made. We stood at the top of the road looking down towards it. I held Carl's hand and I didn't want to move. " Dad!" Is what broke me from my trance. I looked down the road at the other side and saw Lily run into Daryls arms.

" What are you doing out here?" Daryl asked.

" I came too look for you, I went down that road, There was a sign!" Lily told him tugging on his hand to come down the road.

" Ok, I'm coming" Daryl said being dragged down the road by Lily. The three of us decided to follow them. At the end of the road we saw Daryl looking up at something amazed. Lily was stood next to him with a big grin on her face.

We walked down and were amazed too. The sign read ' There is an island to the coast of New York, Free from Zombies, Please go!'

The Walking Dead - The Final Hour *Co-written with SamCoates*Where stories live. Discover now