Chapter 19 - 3 Months later

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3 Months Later

I tossed and turned in my sleep as I was faced with the same nightmare again. In the Nightmare I had been separated from everyone and I was running in the forest away from something. I really don't know what I'm running from.

It changes sometimes it's a walker other times its zap then sometimes it's the men that took me before. I then fall in the mud but the fear strickin me tries to get up but keeps failing.

I then look up and see Bree standing over me glaring at me as if I was some Demon. The dream then usually ends and I awake with Carl or Aurora next to me trying to calm me down. I usually get very sweaty and hyperventilate and the first couple of times I cried.

This time was the same as usual the nightmare ended and I awoke with Aurora sat next to me ready to help. Things had gotten harder the last couple of months since we were travelling we did mange to get an RV and a Caravan though.

So the kids are happy because they have a safe place to play on the road now. Aurora looked at me as sweat formed on my face and soaked my neck as I sat up. I put one hand on my stomach to reassure myself. Still there.

I always think after one of these dreams I will hurt my baby or possibly have a miscarriage which would be traumatic normally but in this apocalypse it's even worse I could be eaten from the inside out and that makes me cringe.

"Are you alright?" Aurora asked rubbing my back.

I looked around the caravan and looked at Judith, Dimitri, Clementine and Lily playing with little figurings we found and it made me feel better.

"Yes, The Nightmares aren't getting any better though" I told Aurora watching as Dimitri studied the giraffe toy amazed by its unusual shape.

"Who was it chasing you this time?" Aurora asked making me remember more of the trauma.

"Zap" I replied feeling slightly sickened by that word.

Aurora saw the disgust on my face and stopped talking. There was only two others in the caravan that was Daryl and Sasha. Sasha was on a sofa that was attached to the caravan and was folding up clothes she had managed to get from the last supply run.

Daryl was sat on another sofa carefully watching Lilly while making some new arrows for his crossbow.

"We will be in New York soon, One more day or even less is what Rick said" Aurora told me looking over at me smiling lightly.

I felt the caravan roll to a stop and I smiled gratefully. We stopped every now and then to gather supplies and see each other since we were seprated into different cars. As we stopped I stood up and walked over to the kids. "Dimitri, Time to see your parents, You too Judith and Clementine time to see Lee" I said as They all smiled and ran out the caravan making me smile.

They left Lilly who sat in the corner throwing a ball at the walll and as it bounced back she threw it again. I made my way outside where Aurora was hugging Victor. Seriously ever since they have been engagded they've been so lovey dovey it makes me feel sick. Seriously if you had to live with them it would get annoying.

I looked around a little and saw Carl over by the RV. I made my way over and smiled brightly at him. "How are You?" He asked me.

"We are fine" I say to him slipping it in.

"Sorry it's still new to me"

"It's alright, Anyway it can't be as bad as Aurora" I muttered laughing quietly.

"Wait what?" He asked me.

"When I was little she forgot about me and nearly sat on me, I was only a baby so it was very traumatizing" I joked.

"Haha, Really?"

"Yes it is" I laughed too we were both in fits of laughter making Aurora come over.

"What's so Funny?" Aurora asked.

"Nothing" I spluttered.

We then were interupted by the long growl of a walker everyone stopped and looked. It was approaching slowly so no one was really worried. Carl walked over to it and stabbed it's head making it fall dead. It was simple but, I heard Judith scream. A zombie had almost bitten her. I looked over and saw her and Dimitri run.

Lilly soon ran out the Caravan and ran after them with her bow in her hands. It was a chain reaction. Lilly running made Daryl run and then Carl ran because of Judith I tried to stop him running but he had told me of Sophia and I knew he just needed her back she propably hadn't ran far.

I was worried as I saw Carl run into the woods after Judith. Rick wanted to go I could see it in his eyes but he advised it would be better if we didn't let anyone else run off. We were going to stay there until they came back but how long would it take?

I sat in the RV patiently waiting alone. Aurora came to my side to probably comfort me. " It's alright, He knows how to defend himself"

" I know but anything happened to him or Judith I don't think I could be sane again it took me a while to even talk to someone after you rescued me from the basement"


I heard the door creak open and I looked up. It was one of the men. What was he doing here?

" No, I'm home there's no way you could be here!" I yelled as he brought a machete out that had been careful hidden behind him. I began to sweat and scream as the man ran towards me with the knife.

" Don't!" I yelled waking myself up. Aurora was beside me and so was Carl. They jumped up when I woke and I just stared into space traumatised. This happened every day I woke half the house up. I simply shook incredibly badly and hyperventilated. Aurora sighed and I think I heard her begin to cry at the thought of her sister possibly being mentally deranged. Forever.

/End Flashback/

" They won't" Aurora assured.

" But if-"

" They won't!" Aurora yelled. Our Small argument didn't last long as we heard and ear-piercing scream that belonged to Judith. That's when I broke down.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 27, 2013 ⏰

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