Chapter 14 - I want to be with you... Forever

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"WHO WAS IT?" I screamed at Rick, Lee and Merle all picked up a part of Daryl and began to carry him inside. Gideon shakily took a step forward, I was startled to see tears running down his face, but that didn't change my anger. "WHAT IS WRONG WITH YA?" I screamed, storming towards him.

"Please, I-I-I'm sorry-" he flinched as I got right up in his face.

"WE DON'T HAVE THE SUPPLIES TO DEAL WITH THIS! IF HE DIES, IT'S ON YOU!" At the last word, I shoved his shoulders with my hands and he sprawled backwards on to the ground.

His hands scraped along the tar and started bleeding, but that didn't matter to me: he didn't matter to me. I shot inside and gaped as I watched the men lower my Daryl on to the lounge and Victor pulled me into a hug so I could cry into his shoulder and wouldn't have to watch him being stitched.

A few minutes later, when Hershel said I could, I ripped away from Vic and rushed to kneel by Daryl's side.

"C'mon, Daryl," I growled, squeezing his hand to fight the tears in my eyes. "Ya better wake up." Victor sat closer to me and sniffed but I wasn't ready to move attention to him just yet. "Ya have people to live for now, ya have to wake up."

"Done," Hershel muttered and cut the string that he had been stitching Daryl's wound with. "Yer lucky it went straight through though, otherwise he wouldn't stand a chance. It's not like back when Carl got shot, we don't have those sorts of supplies anymore."

"Will he be okay?" Clementine whispered, she was by my elbow and at her words; Lee quickly grabbed her arm and took her out of the room, obviously giving me room to lose it. He already knew my coping techniques pretty well.

"Ya have Carol now," I whispered and lowered my forehead to his arm and rested it there -even though he stunk like fucking hell... we all did. "Ya have all of us. Ya have Lily too, I'm not sure if ya know who she is, but we know she's alive... she's out there somewhere... waiting fo' ya."

"Hey, Rora," a gravelly voice made me jump and I looked up sharply to see Daryl blinking his eyes groggily. He winced as he sat up and held his shoulder which Hershel was currently trying to stick a bit of cloth to, to catch any leaking blood.

I wiped a hand over my face, smearing mud and dirt over it, but refusing to let him see my tears.

I knew I failed when he started laughing. "Hey now, don'cha cry. Ya ain't gettin' rid o' me that easy." He winked and his eyes flitted around the room to find Carol where she was leaning over my shoulder.

I quickly shifted out of her way to let them have their tearful -well, Daryl wasn't the one crying- reunion and I wrapped my arms around Vic's waist comfortingly. "Is everything gonna be okay?" I didn't know why I asked that, I just did; looking into his big brown eyes worriedly and he smiled and nodded before hugging me tightly.

"C'mon, we'll check on Robin and Carl." He smiled, knowing exactly what I needed and he led me up the stairs to where my sister and her boyfriend slept.

"Hey, guys-" I spoke as I pushed open the door and realised that we'd caught them making out.

"I see your busy" Vic gaped and I moved my hand away from my face in time to see them both blush, Robin burst into laughter and Carl rushed forward to close the door in our faces.

Vic and I laughed.

He looked down at me with big, caring eyes and I could see in them that he'd made up his mind about something. His face softened and he kissed me slightly. "I'll be right back," and I watched him as leapt down the stairs and into our room.

The Walking Dead - The Final Hour *Co-written with SamCoates*Where stories live. Discover now