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"Do you believe in the supernatural Ranpo?" Atsushi had asked, it was just them and Kyouka in the office at the time. The others were out on a case that involved fire power, being the newest members of the agency, they were under strict orders to avoid the mission. Ranpo, of course, stayed behind to "check if they're doing their work".

"What a ridiculous question." Ranpo scolded, opening his sixth sour sweet packet. "Why on earth would you think supernatural beings are real?"

"I don't!" Atsushi stuttered, waving his hands in denial. "I just think it'd be cool!"

"Most supernatural beings feast on humans." Kyouka stated robotically, jotting down some notes on her current work. "If they were real, we would be in trouble."

Kyouka was right.

Ranpo wasn't prepared for the coffin to be open when Edgar flicked the lights on. The inside was lined with red velvet, large nails prodding the soft fabric. The man on the sword was an odd sight to see. The long grey hair flowed down past the handle of the sword. There was no torso, only shoulders and the blade of the sword disappeared into the torn clothes of the being. He had pointed ears like an elf and fangs protruding from his mouth. His eyes were closed at first, but the sound of the lights being turned on caused him to stir. His eyes were a blood red, and his pupils were slitted like a cat in the day. He had scars creeping up the side of his face and it became blatantly obvious that this was Bram Stoker.

"You must be Bram Stoker." Ranpo tried to bite down his fear. It was truly a harrowing sight, seeing a man with no torso and eyes a ruby red on the blade of a sword. Whatever Bram was, it wasn't human.

"Indeed I am, and you are?" His voice was deep and menacing.

"Edogawa Ranpo, the finest detective in Japan!" Ranpo gloated, hoping to forget the fear creeping up his throat. Bram gave a small nod, a soft smile and blinked slowly. His eyes were still adjusting to the light, pupils moving between slits and circles.

"So I've heard, I hope Edgar here didn't frighten you."

"Yeah, I love being pinned to a wall with a hand around my throat. Multiple times." Ranpo couldn't tell whether he meant it as a flirt or as a sarcastic remark. Either way, Edgar bowed his head in shame.

"I apologise deeply."

"Yeah, yeah. So what's with the sword? You took a stick up the ass to a whole new level." Edgar shuffled uncomfortably after Ranpo had said this, making a minuscule gasp and he watched Bram's reaction carefully. Bram grimaced, but didn't seem surprised at this comment.

"Aya said you were eccentric."

"That's rich coming from Mr Sword and Mr High Heels." Ranpo stifled a laugh as Edgar consciously stared at his heels, frowning.

"Bram, perhaps this was a mistake-" Edgar began, but Bram chuckled slightly. Ranpo was confused, he had just insulted this dude on a stick and now he was laughing?

"Have you ever heard of vampires?"

"Well duh. I've read Twilight."

"Twilight is an awful depiction of us." Edgar scoffed. Ranpo took the thick rimmed glasses out of his pocket and put them on, something he did when he needed to use his super deduction. He could feel himself start to understand. It was so simple, how hadn't he seen this sooner?

"So what you're saying is - you're vampires and you need my help?" Bram nodded. "There's an organisation trying to capture Aya in exchange for Bram, possibly to use him for their own gain, and you sent this numb nut," he gestured to an offended Edgar, "to capture my attention. You hadn't accounted that I would actually visit the house and try to look at Bram. I assume you lose some humanity at night therefore Edgar attacked me to defend Bram."

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