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"Look at the homeless twink!"

Ranpo whined as his butt hit the concrete, three boys towered over the young teenager.

"I'm not gay!" He yelled, and the trio exchanged evil smirks. The fattest one, with crumbs smushed across his mouth from his previous snack, shoved his fingers into Ranpo's mouth. They were salty, like fries, and tasted of gasoline.

"I bet you like that you freak!" He snarled, swirling his grubby fingers inside the poor boy's mouth and Ranpo bit down. He let out a screech of pain and tore his wounded fingers away.

"Yikes, don't get too close, he might infect you, or give you fleas!" The tallest one sneered, roughly delivering a kick to the side and Ranpo spluttered. As he collapsed on his side, the others chortled and and started stamping on him, the fattest one seemingly forgetting his injury.

"Go back to the alleyways fag! No one will ever love you for who you are!" The skinniest chanted, the others joined in with the insults.

"I bet you killed your parents, or maybe they killed themselves after finding out their son is gay!"

"Nah, they definitely killed themselves after seeing his ugly face!"

Eventually, the boys left after a policeman threatened to arrest them. It wasn't because he cared about the homeless, it was simply his duty to make sure the volume was kept to a minimal at this time of night. Ranpo lay lifeless on the floor, scared that if he moved, they would come back. He stayed like that for several hours, in the corner of an closed off street, tears falling from his face. He didn't think he was gay, or at least hadn't considered it. After a few wobbly breaths, he hoarsely proclaimed to the world a phrase that will stick in his head for all of his life.

"No one may love me for who I am, but people will wish they remembered me."

It was awkward to say the least. It was also incredibly frustrating. Ranpo was stuck in a one bedroom apartment, with Aya and Edgar and Bram, and the tension was so thick it was suffocating. Edgar had tried to make up to him, with an array of goodies and mystery novels but the damage had been done.

It caused Ranpo to regress to sleeping in the bathtub, and spending most of his waking hours avoiding the vampire, whilst also making as little conversation with Aya as possible. She knew everything, but in a child's mind, an argument is usually short lived and they always make up in the end - like some school kids.

He was a fool for thinking he had found someone who understood him, who cared for him more than platonically.

Matters were made worse when Sigma visited. The two toned hair falling gracefully down his back as he entered the living room. He was an attractive vampire, pale skin and light eyes swirled with red. His fangs peeked out from his mouth as they caught on his lips and he was dressed in informal attire. He was now wearing a grey turtleneck and white trousers, he wore glittering grey heels. They were a lot more delicate than Edgar's heels, nonetheless they added height to his average stature. He wore multiple rings on his long fingers and silver earrings. He looked amazing, from what Ranpo could see from the bathroom.

"Sigma! How nice to see you." Edgar stepped aside and Sigma gave a small nod as he took in the small living quarters. He was quiet for a moment, his eyes flickering towards the odd choice in furniture. They fell on Bram, seated on a range of pillows next to Aya, who was playing in her Nintendo Switch. Sigma suddenly fell to the floor, kneeling before the bodiless vampire.

"It wasn't my idea! I was forced to aid the Decay of Angels!" He started rambling about how he came to be, and this piqued Ranpo's interest enough to creep out of the bathroom.

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