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"Have you ever had a boyfriend Ranpo?" Atsushi asked, completely out of the blue. They were on a case together, and were currently on a train to Tokyo. There were sightings of a Port Mafia member who went by the name Diablo. Atsushi hasn't stopped fidgeting since he'd heard the news and was constantly picking at his nails. Ranpo stared at him, reading his anxious expression and frowned.

"No, I don't have time for that."

"Would- would people think of me differently if I did?" Atsushi gazed out of the carriage window, eyes blank except for the swirling of dread. "I know you wouldn't care, neither would Dazai, you both are gay - or bisexual. But what about Kyouka? Kunikida? Junichirou?" He started peeling the rough edges of his skin with his teeth.

"I know you're in a relationship with Akutagawa," Ranpo leaned back in his seat, propping his feet up on the table between them. This garnered a few disapproved looks. Atsushi visibly gulped, fear stricken. "I don't think anyone has the right to judge someone for their sexual orientation. Especially Kyouka, she was in the mafia and Kunikida was a math teacher." He made a fake gagging noise. "Junichirou has a weird relationship with his sister. Everyone has their faults, or something that you can judge. I don't think sexual preference is one."

Atsushi relaxed a little, the tension in his shoulders alleviated slightly. He let out an exhale he was holding and Ranpo's gaze softened. "Don't be too hard on yourself kid, getting kicked out of that orphanage has done you good."

"I just wish it was under better circumstances."

"Schizophrenia is a mental illness, not a disease. They should've taken you to a psychiatrist rather than booting you."

"I can't believe I thought I was a tiger." Atsushi chuckled sadly, "now I just hallucinate Dazai."

"Dazai is a hallucination in himself, whatever meds that guy is on, he needs to triple the dose."

"Thank you Ranpo."

"Don't mention it kid."

"We are here!" Ranpo announced, arms embracing the front door of his apartment. The two looked at him weirdly. "I haven't been in this house for nearly two days, I miss my thinky space."

"Surely your office should be your thinky space?" Aya pointed out, Ranpo turned around and folded his arms. Blissfully unaware that his neighbour was looking at him weirdly, wondering why there was a child and a eccentric man and a raccoon with him. Ranpo never had people around.

"If your office is your thinky space, you're a loser." He retorted, unlocking the door. "No one has ever seen my apartment, you should be blessed!" He opened the door, and this showcased the messy living room. There were various sweet packets, both empty and full , strewn across the khaki green sofa, and dried washing folded over the arm of the mustard yellow armchair. The red coffee table had stacks of other agencies' cases and sat next to it was a half eaten cake which read the words thank you from his friend Mushitarou. He had solved his latest murder case with ease and they had become close after Mushitarou tried to outsmart him, something no one can do. The rug was blue and white checkered, with a pale wood flooring underneath.

"It's a mess in here!" Aya frowned, Karl mewed in agreement.

"None of this decor goes." Edgar commented, already beginning to pick up empty packets. "We are not living here. Aya, we will get a hotel that's less of an eyesore."

"Rude!" Ranpo wasn't offended, his plan was to make them leave. He did not want them to invade his personal space. He had too many secrets to hide.

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