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"For real? A text? Damn! I'm sorry, Louis." Liam said after Louis had told them what happened.

"You deserve so much more." Zayn added.

"Yeah, sorry, man." Niall chipped in.

"Thanks, guys." Louis smiled. Harry watched him. It was a sad smile.

They were out at their favorite club. It had been ages since they all went clubbing together, something that used to happen frequently when they were all younger and single.

"I'll get drinks. Beer?" Harry offered.

"Vodka Redbull." Louis said while the rest of them settled for beer.

"I'll help you carry." Niall said and got up.

As they walked toward the bar Niall grabbed Harry's arm. Harry looked at him. Niall looked as if was bursting with excitement.
"Louis is single! This is your chance! Hit on him!"

Harry might have confessed his feelings about Louis to Niall at the wedding afterparty. He had been drunk and sad. He regretted that afterward. Not the drunk part, that had been his only way of coping, having to watch Louis get married, but he should never have told Niall how he felt.
"Unless you're over him by now." Niall added.

Harry gave him a long look and sighed. He dragged a hand through his hair.
"I wish. First of all, Louis is heartbroken and needs a friend more than anything. It's not the time to hit on him. Second of all, he's technically still married. Maybe they find their way back to each other? Thirdly, I don't even know if Louis is into guys. We've never discussed that and finally, Louis is definitely not interested in me, nor has he ever been. He married Eleanor for fucks sake! He loves her. Drop it, Niall."

"I will admit that it's too early to make a move. I just got over-excited. The rest of that long-ass speech is just bullshit." Niall smirked.

"Drop it." Harry muttered with an edge to his voice.

"Just saying!" Niall answered and held up his hands in defense.

Harry walked up to the bar without another word and placed their order and paid for it. Niall helped him carry the glasses to their table. Louis drank half of his vodka Red Bull in one swoop.

Harry watched him as he drank the rest of it quickly and headed to the bar to order. He returned with two Vodka Red Bulls. Harry knew where this was going and took small sips of his beer. He was staying sober tonight because someone had to look after Louis. It wasn't as if he blamed him.

A couple of drinks later Louis was smashed. Usually, he was a happy drunk but not tonight. He mostly stared into nothing and kept quiet. Harry wasn't the only one who noticed. Liam, Zayn, and Niall shared looks and they made it an early night. They helped Louis to get into a taxi and Harry got in the back with him and told the driver his address.

Louis seemed to have passed out. When they arrived at Harry's apartment he paid for the ride and tried to wake Louis without much success. Harry unbuckled his seatbelt and picked him up bridal style and carried him inside.

Louis woke up as he put him to bed.

"Go back to sleep. You're home." Harry said quietly.

"Thanks. Sorry." Louis mumbled.

"Good night." Harry said.

"Haz? Am I really that difficult to love? How could she fall out of love just like that?" Louis asked.

Harry turned around. Louis was looking at him with vulnerable eyes.

"You're very easy to love, Lou. The person who gets to have your love is very lucky. Eleanor is a moron for not seeing that or appreciating you." Harry answered truthfully.

"Right." Louis sighed. He didn't seem to believe a word of it.

Harry said good night again and closed the door behind him. He went to brush his teeth and stared at himself in the mirror. Eleanor was a moron. If Louis had loved him he would have done everything to keep him.
"You're a moron too." He told his reflection before he spit out the toothpaste and went to bed.

He woke up the next morning when Louis came into his bedroom and threw himself next to him on the bed.
"Kill me."

"Hungover?" Harry mumbled and pried his eyes open.

"I just puked me guts out. Don't worry. I brushed me teeth." Louis replied.

Harry got up and headed to the bathroom to urinate. He brushed his teeth too and found a bottle of painkillers. He passed the kitchen and got a glass of water and returned to his bedroom. Louis was still in his bed. He handed him the bottle and placed the glass on the bedside table. Louis sat up.
"Thanks. Appreciate it."

He lay back down again after swallowing some painkillers.
"Your bed is more comfortable than mine."

"I spent a fortune on it. The one in the guest room, not so much. I hope it's okay to sleep in?" Harry said.

"Yeah, yeah. It's fine." Louis replied.

"Good." Harry smiled.

Louis turned to the side and looked at him.
"So, what's new in your life? Dating someone?"

"Nope." Harry replied.

"Like, never or just for the moment?" Louis wondered.

"Something in between that?" Harry chuckled.

"Why?" Louis questioned.

Why? Did he have to be so pushy?
"I don't know. The dating scene is rough. Where do people meet their partners? On dating apps, most guys are just interested in sex. Same at a club. I haven't met that many guys I wanna date. I guess I'm just not lucky in that department." Harry shrugged.

"It's their loss. I'm sure you'll meet someone who will be mesmerized by those curls, dimples, and eyes, but most importantly, your sparkling personality." Louis said.

Harry didn't really know how to react to that. Unfortunately, he blushed.
"Maybe I should let you write my dating profile? Sparkling personality? Geez." He laughed awkwardly.

"I'm just keeping it real." Louis smiled.

They locked eyes and Harry forgot how to breathe. The sound of Louis' SMS signal broke whatever was going on between them. Louis looked at his phone and his face fell.
"El wants to talk."

"Do you wanna talk to her?" Harry asked softly.

"Not really but I probably should. I need an explanation face to face." Louis said.

"Of course." Harry replied.

Louis got up and headed to the bathroom. Ten minutes later he left the apartment to see Eleanor. Harry hoped he would get the answer he was looking for. They couldn't get back together, could they? That wasn't his business but he wanted Louis to be happy.

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