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As soon as the boys went home Harry decided that he had to ask what Eleanor meant by him being a big part of the problem. They took a seat in the living room. Harry glanced at Louis.
"Are you okay?"

"Getting there. Sorry you had to witness that shit show." Louis answered.

"Lou? I gotta ask. What did she mean by that? Why am I a part of the problem? Have I been ruse to her in the past or something?" Harry wondered.

"No, of course not. It's nothing. Don't worry about it." Louis replied.

Okay? That didn't make him less confused but Harry decided to drop it for now.
"Alright. Wanna watch a film?"

"I think I'm just gonna head to bed if that's okay? I'm exhausted." Louis replied.

"Of course. Good night, Lou." Harry hurried to say.

"Night, and Hazza? Thanks for today. You're a great friend." Louis smiled before he left the room.

Ouch! Friendzoned. It wasn't anything new but that didn't mean he liked it. Harry sighed deeply and turned on the TV. Ten minutes later he turned it off and went to take a quick shower before bed.

A month went by. Louis had put his apartment on the market despite Eleanor's protests. He offered her to buy him out but she didn't have the money.

Harry was happy to have a roommate. Suddenly he had someone to cook for, someone who went grocery shopping with him, took out the trash, watched movies with him, and made him laugh until his tummy hurt. Louis got off work a half hour before him and it was wonderful to have someone greeting him as he walked inside the apartment, asking him how his day was.

Louis was something of a slob. Household work was his least favorite thing to do but that didn't mean that he didn't help out at home. They had cleaning days where they put on some music and sang along while they cleaned the apartment. Louis usually dusted the place while Harry worked the vacuum cleaner. They did laundry together as well and Harry realized how much easier and fun it was when he had someone by his side. He had been single too long. Not that this was a relationship. He wasn't delusional.

"Haz? What do you say about inviting the lads on Saturday? We can play FIFA and drink a couple of beers?" Louis asked.

"Sure. Maybe I can cook us something?" Harry offered.

"How about I work the grill? You can make the side dishes if you really wanna cook, or we just buy a potato salad or something and you can relax." Louis said.

Harry stared at him.
"Potato salad from the store? Over my dead body! I'll make it from scratch."

"Whatever, Gordon Ramsey." Louis smirked.

"Heeey!" Harry protested with a pout.

Louis giggled.
"Make it then. I'll help you."

"You don't even know the right side of a knife." Harry teased.

"What? I fucking know how to use a knife!" Louis huffed.

"Whatever you say, big boy." Harry grinned.

"That's it! Tickle war!" Louis shouted and leaped at him.

Harry squealed and tried to run away. Louis chased him around the apartment. He tackled Harry as they reached the bedroom and Harry fell on the bed with an "ooof." Louis immediately started to tickle him. Harry squirmed and tried to get away while he laughed. Louis sat on his stomach and held his arms over his head with one hand while he tickled him.
"Are you gonna take it back?"

"Y...yes." Harry laughed.

"Tell me how awesome I am in the kitchen." Louis demanded.

"So awesome. Lou! Stop!" Harry said.

Louis stopped tickling him. He smiled at him.
"That's more like it."

Harry smiled back. Louis was still holding his arms over his head and his face was close. They stared at each other in silence. Harry held his breath as the atmosphere changed. When Louis' eyes flickered to his lips, Harry almost passed out but then Louis mumbled a "sorry" and climbed off him.

Harry had to collect his thoughts for a second. Did they just have a moment?
"I'll call the lads." Louis said and walked out of the bedroom.

Harry just stared at the ceiling for a moment. He couldn't give this too much meaning. He should probably not give it any meaning at all. It was all in his head. A pathetic hope that Louis somehow finally would like him back made him see things that weren't there. Harry sighed and got out of bed.

Louis just hung up as he entered the living room.
"They're all gonna be here on Saturday."

"Great! We should go to the store. Let me just make a list first." Harry smiled.

He found a notepad and a pen and took a seat.
"What do you wanna barbecue?"

"Hm... How about pork fillet?" Louis suggested.

"Sure. Marinade?" Harry asked.

"Just buy one of those bottles." Louis shrugged.

"But... Fine. What else?" Harry asked as he made notes.

"Maybe some corn cubs?" Louis suggested and Harry wrote that down.

Twenty minutes later their list was done and they headed to the store. Harry really enjoyed shopping with Louis. He cracked jokes, tried on ugly things if he found them (this time some sort of fluffy hat), made silly voices, and pretended that the vegetables could talk or just ran around picking random items and threw them in the stroller.
"You have to tell me if you get fed up with me shenanigans. El never went grocery shopping with me because I'm an embarrassment." Louis said as they headed toward the register.

"I love grocery shopping with you. You make it so much funnier. You're definitely not an embarrassment." Harry answered.

Louis looked happy and relieved.
"Thank fuck for that!" He grinned.

Harry wondered what kind of relationship Louis and Eleanor had in the past. It didn't sound as if she appreciated Louis' goofy side or was she very insecure and afraid of people giving them looks? Immature? He had never really liked her, and not just because she was with Louis. He had always thought that she didn't have much substance and he had always felt bad for thinking that.

They loaded the car with groceries after a discussion at the register about who should pay for it. Louis ended up almost throwing his card at the lady behind the register. As they drove home Harry brought it up.
"How about we take turns paying or splitting the cost in half?"

Louis looked surprised.

"Yeah." Harry replied.

"Alright, okay, yeah." Louis smiled.

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