Chapter Five: Alone with your thoughts

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     I woke up and rubbed my eyes as I yawned groggily. I looked over at the clock and it's flashing numbers reading 7:45. I stood up and and pouted not wanting to go school. I got up and hopped into the steaming shower. "Good morning everyone," I beamed as I walked down the steps thinking bout my plans for the night. 

"Mornin' Kels," Caleb beamed. 

"What are your plans for after school today?" I asked the group. 

"Most of us are just gonna hit the gym and Alison is going to refresh her knife skills," He said happily. 

"Where's Nixon?" I asked puzzled. 

"He's sleeping in the backyard," Caleb chuckled. I nodded and went to find him. 

"Wake up," I said briskly. I nudged him with my foot and he got up slowly. 

"What do you want?" He asked with puffy red eyes. 

"Have you been crying Nix?" I asked sadly. 

"What the hell do you think? I make one mistake and lose my girlfriend, half the gang tries to kill me, and I had to sleep out in the yard," He grumbled. 

"Sorry Nix but you can't hit women. It's just not cool and I don't want to be involved with a guy that hits me when I don't answer his questions. I need to be with someone that respects me and treats me like a lady when needed. I need a man and now I can see that you're just a boy. Maybe when you do some growing up we can work it out, but until then friends is all we'll ever be," I sighed and left. 

    I got to school and sat down beside Candice. "Hello," She smiled at me. "How are you feeling?" She asked with a soft smile. 

"Hey, I'm feeling fine," I smiled at her. 

"That guy from last week transferred here a couple days ago," She whispered to me. 

"Ricardo?" I asked amused. 

"I don't know his name but it's the guy that hurt you when he stormed in," She said softly. 

"Well this is going to be fun," I laughed. The first few periods went by quickly and then came lunch. 

"Hello again Shadow," Ricardo's voice boomed. 

"Well hello there you cuntwaffle," I sang joyfully. 

"How mature," He sighed. 

"Like you transferring to my school?" I asked with a chuckle. 

"Not my idea," He huffed. I just chuckled and pushed past him.
"Whatever," I shrugged. 


      Five forty five came around and I put on Charlie's jacket and got ready to head out. "Who's jacket is that?" Nixon asked as I reached the door.

"A friend of mine's," I said shortly. "I'll be back later, don't wait up," I laughed and headed out the door and down towards the park. Charlie was the first guy I had met that treated me like a person and not just a piece of meat or as a sister like the guys did. He was the first man to treat me like a lady that he wanted to be around and not one he had been around his whole life and was losing interest. 

"Hello," Charlie's warm voice echoed from the slide. 

"Hi," I smiled and grouped up with him inside the tunnel before the slide. 

"You look stunning," He smiled.

"I didn't even try," I laughed. After of few seconds of just looking into each other's eyes he leaned in and kissed me. His lips were soft and gentle that I went with it. I kissed him back and then it was over. He looked away with cheeks flushed. 

"Sorry," He sputtered. I smiled and pulled him towards me and kissed him again. It felt so right to just be there in this moment wrapped in his arms with our lips moving in sync with the other's. To have his hand roaming my back and thighs, it felt real. It felt so wrong but in such a good way to have him leaving trails of kisses down my neck and stomach. To be beside him in the tunnel naked and steamy to feel him inside of me with our sweating bodies and messy hair, it all just felt so perfectly wrong that it felt right. 

   The sun went down and we were breathless. "My God woman," He gasped with an accomplished smile. 

"Well that was fun," I giggled looking down at my feet to get dressed. 

"Kelly Martin, you really are amazing in every way," He gushed pulling me into a deep embrace. We sat on top of the jungle gym for hours just staring at the stars and talking about ourselves. Before I knew it I was waking up with my head on his chest with the sun shining on my face. "Oh no!" I gasped jumping up. 

"What is it?" Charlie asked groggily. 

"Nixon is gonna kill me. Fuck I have school! Ricardo is going to notice I bailed and he's gonna kill me. Well it was nice knowing you Charlie because today is the day I fucking die," I gasped falling onto the gravel. 

"What do yo- before he could finish the Faceless Shadow's and the Hood's were bothing walking up to the park. 

"Fuck, I'm dead," I cried. 

"In here," He pulled me back up into the tunnel which still had the slight sent of sex in it. 

"Where the fuck is she Ricardo?!" Nixon's voice boomed.
"Is he the one that's going to kill you?" Charlie asked growing angrier every time Nixon talked.
"Lil bit of both," I laughed in a whisper. 

"What do you mean?" He asked in a hushed voice. 

"Nixon is going to kill me because I didn't come home. Ricardo is going to kill me because I bailed on school today and he transferred to my school from some unknown reason and definitely knew I wasn't there," I explained. He nodded his understanding and we waited until the voices and footsteps couldn't be heard. "Thanks for a great evening but I really have to get home," I said sadly. 

"I understand, my friends are probably worried about me too," He chuckled before kissing one last time and going our separate ways.      

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