Chapter 30

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Chapter 30

Maddox stepped forward and bowed to the Great Khan as he approached with his retinue.

"Great Khan. Thank you for coming to our aid. The city of Nichtzariel and the Empire itself are in your debt," said Maddox.

"It is good that I came. I'm not sure how much longer you would have held out. I have received word that several Nilfgaardian armies will arrive in the next few days but they might have been too late," said the Khan.

Maddox nodded grimly, knowing just how close they were to defeat.

"How is my beloved daughter?," asked the Khan as he turned towards Sooyoung.

"I am well father," said Sooyoung as she came forward to hug her father.

"I am glad that you live," said the Khan, the relief clear in his voice.

"Thanks to our stubborn defence and your arrival. I had fun while we were waiting," said Sooyoung almost mischievously.

"And how many did you claim?" asked her father.

"One hundred and sixty seven!" said Sooyoung proudly.

"That's my girl!" said the Khan as he bear-hugged his daughter once more.

"We will leave as soon as your armies arrive. Take Sooyoung safely back to Caledonia. We will push on ahead towards the Tamarelian border," said the Khan.

Maddox bristled slightly at being ordered around by the Khan but said nothing. He would have been ordered to return to Caledonia by his brother anyway.

"But I want to come father," whined Sooyoung.

Clearly she hadn't had enough fun during the siege.

"No. You are going back to Caledonia with Prince Maddox," said the Khan.

"But..." protested Sooyoung.

"No buts Sooyoung. You will return to Caledonia with Maddox," commanded the Khan.

Sooyoung nodded but the disappointment was clear in her eyes.

Unbeknownst to everyone else, Maddox inwardly breathed a sigh of relief. He had enough of what Sooyoung considered to be fun for now.

Five days Later

The morning after a third Nilfgaardian army arrived in theatre, Maddox had set off with Sooyoung, Sehun and Hayoung with a several hundred strong force of Nilfgaardian soldiers and Khuzait Royal Guard on the journey back to Caledonia.

From what he had been told two days earlier, the majority of the Tamarelian armies had been shattered save for one headed this way.

A Khuzait army was already in a blocking position awaiting them and contact was imminent. They should be close to the Khuzait camp and Maddox watched for any sentries as indicators.

His prayers would soo be answered when two light cavalrymen approached them and bowed.

"Prince Maddox. Princess Sooyoung. We bid you welcome. We were victorious against the enemy yesterday. Would you like to tour the battlefield first?" said one of the men.

"We would be honoured to witness the victory the Great Khan's armies have won," said Maddox.

While he knew the men and horses were tired, it was Khuzait custom to tour the battlefield before returning to the camp.

The two horsemen nodded and led the way to a ridge just ahead. They passed by the Khuzait camp on the way, headed towards another ridgeline where they crossed over...... to view a field of death and destruction.

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