Chapter 12

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Chap 12

Maddox grimaced as he watched another guard stagger under the force of Sooyoung’s blow. The other guards fared no better against her bodyguards, tumbling down as they proved unable to match their martial prowess, even if they had numbers on their side.

Joohyun wanted to test the mettle of the guards and Sooyoung was only too happy to jump at the chance to practice with her old compatriots once more. Evidently the guards were not doing well at all and Maddox was disappointed. He felt anger rise within him as he saw some of the guards back away from Sooyoung and her guards. These men were supposed to guard him and his wife with their lives but their performance had been nothing short of laughable. The Khuzait were admittedly formidable warriors but he expected more from them.

He watched as Seulgi and Yeri batted another two guards aside with their swords, causing them to stumble back into their comrades.

“This is too easy. Are you sure you trust these guys to protect you?” asked Seungwan as she slammed her practice sword onto a guard’s helmeted head.

“They function well…. as fodder,” said Sooyoung mockingly in a clear attempt to taunt the guards into doing better.

It worked.

The guards charged almost as one, and the clash of steel resounded in the training hall once more. They attacked with much more effort, trying to defeat the newcomers who seemed to be having their way with them.

But the spirited attack was no match for Sooyoung or her bodyguards.

Five minutes after the re-invigorated attack started, it had completely collapsed with the prone bodies lying down in pain on the ground.

“I’m really starting to worry if we’re going to be relying on these guys to keep the estate safe,” said Yeri.

Maddox could only agree.

The performance of the guards had been shameful. They had outnumbered the girls more than three to one and yet they were defeated.

He approached the assembled group and scowled, making his displeasure known. Some of the guards swallowed hard, knowing that their lord was displeased.

Maddox signalled to his bodyguards to join him and they followed him to the arena. As one, they drew their practice swords and saluted the girls before them. Soon after, the bodyguards and their leaders charged at one another.

The assembled mansion guards could only watch in awe as the two sides went at one another with skills that were clearly beyond their league.

Maddox slipped back as Sooyoung’s blade flew by his face, missing it by inches. He had to be careful. She was dangerous with her own weapons and she’d easily beat him if he was not careful. He caught sight of an infectious grin spread across Sooyoung’s face as she revelled in the thrill of the fight. He smiled too, feeling the adrenaline rush through him as he clashed with her.

“You better keep your guard up dear husband. You’re not going to last that long if you don’t,” taunted Sooyoung as she struck.

“Oh no. You’re the one who’s not going to last long,” retorted Maddox as he struck back.

He hoped that the false bravado would go unnoticed, for he knew that she could easily defeat him. It wasn’t that bad to lose to her, but he didn’t want to lose TOO badly.

The fight went on as the two sides clashed, each trying to outdo the other.

Maddox swung low at an angle to get her to dodge to her right, and it worked. Seeing his chance, he thrust his sword at where he estimated she would be. Time seemed to slow as he watched the ball point of his practice sword reach closer towards Sooyoung.

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