Epilogue 2

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Epilogue 2 Version 1

Note: I will upload the author's note another day (probably monday) as this chapter is quite long

A Number of Years Later

Maddox stared at the plain before him, the once green plains of the Steppes blocked by the immense Tamarelian army that had come to invade the Khuzait Empire.

The Tamarelians had launched a massive attack that had taken the forts on the border and shrugged off all the harassing attacks made against them so far.

Wave after wave of Khuzait attacks had been launched in the hopes of wearing down their foe and breaking their formation but the Tamarelians kept together.

The commanders of this army were competent ones. They knew that allowing their men to chase the Khuzait would only doom the army.

Already, Maddox could already see the retreating forms of the Khuzait horsemen, shooting off arrows to their rear as they sped back to friendly lines.

Save for a small contingent, the Tamarelian cavalrymen were already turning back towards their own lines.

He watched as a Khuzait cavalryman was cut down by an Imperial Tamarelian who had in his impetuous charge sped ahead in front of the retreating Khuzait.

A new movement caught his eye and he instantly recognized a lone Byzantine mounted archer charging towards the Tamarelian with a drawn saber.


He instantly recognized his daughter charging out from the protective screen her guards had been attempting to form around her, leaving them no choice but to follow in her wake.

Oh how time had flown, it seemed just like yesterday she was a babe in his arms and now she was a fine young woman and warrior.

Yerin was a very competent horse archer and had proven herself in combat over the years. Starting young like her mother, she had earned her reputation through actual combat and was rightly feared.

The opposing combatants barrelled towards each other, intent on killing each other. All it would take was one strike and the duel would be over.

Whoever struck first and struck true would leave the fight alive.

In a flash, the two combatants passed one another and the Tamarelian fell dead off his horse.

Yerin sped on, brandishing her saber victoriously as she sped on back towards friendly lines.

A roar erupted from Sooyoung and her bodyguards as the results became clear.

The Byzantine Tagmata and Varangian Guard remained stoically silent, having been trained in the Nilfgaardian military discipline.

The Tagmata were the elite soldiers of the Byzantine army, always acting as Maddox's personal army. Comprised of heavy cataphracts, they followed Maddox and Sooyoung into battle as the premier Byzantine strike force.

The Varangian Guard on the other hand were the personal close protection bodyguards and shock troops of Maddox and his family. First formed from Nilfgaardian soldiers-of-fortune who had heeded Maddox's call for experienced soldiers to make up the bodyguard unit and cross-train with Variag and Saxonian recruits, it now had members from all across the Levant as well from Byzantines to Turcopoles and Seljuk Mamluks. Famed for their preferences for axes, particularly the venerable Dane Axe, their ferocious assaults were rightly feared when thrown into battle. Maddox had insisted that the axes be the weapon of choice for the Varangian Guard, having seen how horrifically effective they could be.

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