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It was a sunny Sunday morning. For some it was a time to relax and unwind. Unfortunately for Alyssa it was a day of dealing two things at once. A part of her is somewhat glad that Justin drop by at least she could see how the car will perform and at the same time she wishes that he can visit the shop in some other day, as she wants to be alone and be just lazy for a day. The other thing is she has to deal with is Dennise. Usually the trend is when you get your heart broken it would take days, weeks, and months before you can face that person. But in her current situation she was only given day. 

But she's keeping things professional at this point. 

Seeing the car zoom on the track and reaching  a top speed of 220.2mph she intently looked at the timer in her hands and shifted her gaze back  to the formula one car moving at high speed as it reach the checkered line, she then press the timer to stop. 

Aly: And time!! 

She smirk and spoke to her ear piece. 

Aly: Nice! Great time Jus! Park it in the garage and I'll meet you there. 

Jus: Copy that ly! By the way the car is amazing! 

By the looks of it, He really enjoyed his test drive with the modifications and adjustment he requested to his team. All Alyssa could do was smile as she too was satisfied of the outcome, it was not easy as her team had to pull off multiple over time to precisely achieve optimum performance of the engine and the vehicle. 

As Alyssa was checking her report another person from behind her was checking her out. She felt somewhat uneasy as she could feel the person behind her is looking at her.  

Alyssa slowly look behind her and she was right, Dennise was looking at her.

When Dennise notice that Aly was already facing her she quickly formulated a respond. There is nothing wrong of just looking. No harm can be done. 

She was merely fascinated how Aly was so passionate towards her job. She felt a little guilty since she told her earlier that she needs to do her job right,  but she knows that when every time she visits their shop she can see how aly is focus in her job.

Again there is nothing wrong of just looking and un intentionally biting her lower lips. 

Aly on the other hand raise an eyebrow confused of Den's sudden silence as she seems to be in a trance. 

Alyssa  snapped her fingers at her to get her attention and finally she did. She can see clearly how den re awakens.

Aly: Hoiii...You okay? you seem to zone out for a sec...

She then saw a drop of sweat falling from the side of den's head and instant alyssa got worried as dennise might have zone out due to the heat as they were both out in the shade.

Aly: Naku! 

In a panic she quickly took the umbrella from the sidelines and opened it. In a swift moment, she sheltered dennise from the scorching heat. 

ProgressTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon